Underwater three-dimensional imaging using narrowband MIMO array

来源 :Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yy20092
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To obtain high cross-range resolution, the underwater 3-D acoustic imaging system usually requires a rectangular array with a great number of sensors and a large physical size. To reduce the sensor number and the array physical size simultaneously, this paper proposes a new underwater 3-D acoustic imaging approach based on a novel multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) array. Specifically, the MIMO array is composed of four uniform linear arrays (ULAs) located on four sides of a rectangle. The transmitting array composed of two ULAs is located on a pair of opposite sides, and the receiving array composed of another two ULAs is located on the other two sides. Furthermore, narrowband waveforms coded with orthogonal polyphase sequences are employed as transmitting waveforms. When the subcode numbers in the polyphase coded sequences are sufficient, the MIMO array has the same 3-D imaging ability as a rectangular array, which has a two-time bigger size than that of the former. Consequently, the MIMO array can not only save a great number of sensors, but halve the array size, when compared to a rectangular array with the same cross-range resolution. Computer simulations are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed imaging approach. To obtain the high cross-range resolution, the underwater 3-D acoustic imaging system usually requires a rectangular array with a great number of sensors and a large physical size. To reduce the sensor number and the array physical size simultaneously, this paper proposes a new underwater 3-D acoustic imaging approach based on a novel multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) array. Specifically, the MIMO array is composed of four uniform linear arrays (ULAs) located on four sides of a rectangle. two ULAs is located on a pair of opposite sides, and the receiving array composed of two adjacent pairs of ULAs is located on the other two sides. coded sequences are sufficient, the MIMO array has the same 3-D imaging ability as a rectangular array, which has a two-time bigger size than that of the former the MIMO array can not only save a great number of sensors, but halve the array size, when compared to a rectangular array with the same cross-range resolution. Computer simulations are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed imaging approach.
摘要:课堂教学如果方法呆板了,手段单一了,课堂就会出现沉闷现象。因此,我们要不断活化教学,让课堂充满生机。  关键词:小学语文;活力课堂;打造策略  多数情况下,我们的语文课堂教学,都习惯于照着预设的思路展开。这样做,确实能够保证课堂的有序进行。但是,我们都知道,学生是鲜活的,而学生的这种鲜活的生命力是在教学活动这一平台上蓬勃着的。如果我们课堂上总是想方设法对学生和教学活动等诸要素进行规范,这就难
摘要:研究点光源光线照射下,球体在平面上的射影图形的形状问题时,往往涉及圆锥曲线与平面的截线的证明,这是高中数学的重要课题。本文综合了各种几何知识,分析了这一问题的两种初等解法。  关键词:圆锥曲线;直角坐标法;圆锥面;极坐标法  圆锥曲线与平面的截线问题是一个老问题,本文给出两个初等解法,旨在提供一道综合运用解析几何、立体几何、平面几何等知识,去思考分析解决数学问题的典型范例,供有兴趣的老师及同
摘要:文化是民族的精神和灵魂,实现中华民族伟大复兴的道路上,弘扬中华优秀传统文化则显得更加重要。因此,初中语文教学应该承担这项历史责任,在教学过程中,教师不仅要根据教学内容,鼓励并指导学生阅读传统文化经典,还要创建恰当的教学情境,使学生在潜移默化中受到熏陶,体验中华优秀传统文化精华,感受中华优秀传统文化魅力。  关键词:中华优秀传统文化;初中语文教学;渗透  中华优秀传统文化博大精深,是中华文明演
摘要:函数最值是初等数学的重要内容,求解函数最值的基本方法主要有均值不等式、缩放法、换元法及导数法等,但在具体针对某一函数求解时应结合给定函数的条件进行选择合适的方法。本文试用几种不同的方法求解一个三角函数的最值,并对由此得出的悖论解进行分析。  关键词:函数最值;均值不等式;平方平均数;算术平均数;几何平均数;换元;导数  有这样一个三角函数y=1 12sinφ 12cosφ 14sinφcos
摘要:小学生年龄较小,在学习中尚不能完全认识到学习的概念和作用,学习积极性会受到各种各样因素的影响,这样就影响了教师教学工作的顺利开展。因此,在小学的教学中,教师还需要根据学生的年龄和心理特点来开展课堂教学,结合学生的爱好,让学生感受到学习的乐趣所在,同时也在教学过程中积极培养学生的各项能力。  关键词:小学数学;心理学;教学;对策  一、 前言  数学的学习内容中有着大量的公式和数字,因而常常会
摘要:随着新课程改革的推进,对小学数学的发展也提出了要求,即在小学数学教学时要注意培养学生的形象思维能力。所谓形象思维能力就是人在头脑中运用形象来进行的思维。小学生以具体形象思维为主,逐步向抽象思维过渡,小学生活的正确丰富的表象,对培养学生的思维能力、想象能力,以及提高小学数学教学质量是非常有必要的。本文就如何在小学高年级中培养学生的形象思维能力提出了三条策略,以供参考。  关键词:小学数学;形象