Radioactive contamination of the environment as a result of uranium production: a case study at the

来源 :中国科学B辑 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mmghb
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The distribution of radioactive pollutants, such as 222Rn, U, Th and 226Ra in the air, surface waters, soils and crops around the Lincang uranium mine, Yunnan Province, China, is studied. The mechanical, geochemical and biogeochemical processes responsible for the transport and fate of the radioactive elements are discussed based on the monitoring data. The pollutants concentrations of effluents from the mine tunnels were dependent on pH and which were controlled by biochemical oxidation of sulfide in the ore/host rocks. Radon anomalies in air reached 4 km from the tailings pile depending on radon release from the site, topography and climate. 238U and 226Ra abnormities in stream sediments and soil were 40-90 cm deep and 790-800 m away downstream. Anomalies of radioactive contaminants of surface watercourses extended 7.5-13 km from the discharge of effluents of the site mainly depending on mechanical and chemical processes. There were about 2.86 ha rice fields and 1.59 km stream sediments contaminated. Erosion of tailings and mining debris with little or no containment or control accelerated the contamination processes.
目的探讨沟通性鼻腔肿瘤临床特点和治疗方法。方法 75例患者均行术前CT检查定位诊断。颅鼻沟通性性肿瘤63例,其中内翻性乳头状瘤恶变8例,神经胶质瘤14例,低分化癌15例,嗅母细
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