
来源 :中国地质大学学报(社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sukey2
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我们很可能处在亲历气候资本主义出现的初级阶段。它是一种基于逐渐摆脱和远离化石燃料使用来持续经济发展的资本主义新形式,其中,脱碳被看作是一种缓和资本主义积累与抑制气候变化要求之间矛盾的机遇。但是,它依然是一种资本主义——通过市场、私有财产和工人阶级等要素组织起来,而且经济增长是其至高无上的律令。在未来几十年里,无论哪种具体版本的气候资本主义的出现,它实现脱碳的能力将取决于其导向低能源和低碳能源的投资的能力,同时还要处理好合法性的挑战,这些挑战不可避免地来自这种将全球金融作为管理碳排放手段的依赖。就全球气候变化管治的发展而言,无论是在《联合国气候变化框架公约》之下,还是最终超越了这一框架,成功的关键在于它是否能够创造一个有力的环境使全球经济转变为一种与强调气候变化相容的气候资本主义制度,或者,碳市场只是一种其取向与严肃应对气候危机的诸多努力不相容的经济制度中的孤立性存在。 We are likely to be in the early stages of climate climate capitalism. It is a new form of capitalism that is based on the gradual escape from and away from the use of fossil fuels to sustain its economic development, with decarbonization seen as an opportunity to ease the tension between capitalist and climate-change constraints. However, it remains a form of capitalism - organized by elements such as markets, private property and the working class, and that economic growth is its paramount supremacy. In the coming decades, whatever its particular version of climate capitalism appears, its ability to achieve decarbonization will depend on its ability to direct investments in low-energy and low-carbon energy, while also addressing the challenges of legitimacy These challenges inevitably come from this dependence on global finance as a means of managing carbon emissions. With regard to the development of global climate change governance, whether it is under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change or eventually beyond this framework, the key to its success lies in whether it can create a strong environment for turning the global economy into a Climate climatic capitalism, which emphasizes climate change, or the carbon market is a solitary existence in an economic system whose orientation is incompatible with many efforts to deal with the climate crisis.
The SiO2-CaO-Na2O-P205-FeO-Fe2O3 precursors were prepared by the sol-gel method.And then two different ways were used to obtain the ferrimagnetjc glass-ceramics
地质灾害经济损失评估主要是计算地质灾害所造成的经济损失额,评价灾害事件的经济损失水平,为防灾减灾提供依据。 Economic loss assessment of geological disasters is ma