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跨进长江武汉航道工程局的荣誉室,“武汉市文明单位”、“湖北省文明单位”、“湖北省五一劳动奖状”,尤其是中国水运协会授予局长周祥恕2005年度“优秀企业家”称号的奖牌,这些既是长江武汉航道工程局扬鞭奋进的见证,也是局长周祥恕辛勤耕耘留下的串串足印。疲软也是机遇时光倒流,历史得追朔到1997年8月。为了弥补国家事业费的不足,原负责长江中游航道的武汉航道分局将实行疏养分 Wuhan Honor Room “,” Wuhan Civilization Unit “,” Civilized Unit in Hubei Province “,” Hubei May 1 Labor Certificate of Merit “, and in particular, the award of” Excellent Entrepreneur "by Secretary Zhou Xiangshu in 2005 by China Water Transport Association These medals are not only the testimony of Yangbian Endeavourers for the Yangtze River Wuhan Waterway Engineering Bureau but also the strings and strings left by Secretary Zhou Xiangshu for their hard work. Weakness is also an opportunity back in time, history has been traced back to August 1997. In order to make up for the lack of national business fees, the original waterway is responsible for the middle reaches of the Yangtze River Channel Wuhan Branch will implement nutrient-free
在2006年3月20~24日召开的I MO海环会(MEPC)第54次会议上,MEPC为国际航运和船舶再循环活动而制定的全球适用强制性法规的草案文本取得进展。会议期间,其关于船舶再循环的工作
A 26-year-old man presented with near-syncope and ventricular tachycardia (VT) at 270 bpm . The VT morphology was left bundle branch block with inferior axis pa
We report the case of a ten-year-old boy who had often presented with respiratory distress since born.Chest X-ray showed an enlarged right ventricle.Echocardiog
In this paper, we develop novel non-sine functions, named hybrid-P-ary generalized bridge functions, based on the copy and shift methods. The generating algorit
2007年,时年27岁的贾维克经一年的呕心沥血,创作出了一座长260m、均高5.5m的大型花岗岩雕塑群——《华夏龙脉》,这座雕像群分AB两个面,周长达540m。 In 2007, Jarvik, 27, c
BACKGROUND: Thrombomodulin concentration greatly increases in plasma when vascular endothelial cells are injured, and it is one of the specific molecular marker