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日前,市委宣传部、市社科联组织召开了全市社科理论界学习党的十八大精神座谈会。会上,市委政研室、市委党校、市人大教科文卫委员会、赤峰学院、内蒙古交通职业技术学院、赤峰二中、红山区委宣传部等单位的领导和专家学者,结合各自工作实际,畅谈了学习十八大的心得体会。市委常委、宣传部长佟国清同志出席座谈会并作了重要讲话。社科理论界在学习宣传十八大精神中担当着重要角色、肩负着特殊使命,有着不可替代的重要作用。广大 Recently, the Propaganda Department of Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Bureau of Science and Crosstalk organized a forum for studying the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress held by the social sciences in the city. At the meeting, the leaders and experts and scholars from the Municipal Political Research Department, the Party School of the Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal Education Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress, Chifeng College, Inner Mongolia Transport Vocational and Technical College, the Chifeng Second Middle School and the Propaganda Department of Hongshan District Party Committee, combined with their respective work practices, Talked about learning eighteen experience. Municipal Committee and Propaganda Minister Comrade Tong Guoqing attended the symposium and made an important speech. Social science theory plays an important role in learning and publicizing the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress, shouldering a special mission and playing an irreplaceable important role. The vast
Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia(HHT)is a rare autosomal-dominantly inherited disease that occurs in approximately one in 5000 to 8000 people.Clinical diag
网络时代,阅读正在经历一场巨大的变革。作为公共图书馆如何引导读者正确读书,培养良好的阅读习惯,如何更好的发挥其作用是当前值得思考的问题。 In the Internet age, read
目的研究DNA甲基化酶抑制剂5-氮杂-2’-脱氧胞苷(5-Aza-2’-dc)与百草枯联合对V79细胞作用后的活性氧含量及抗凋亡Bcl-2蛋白和促凋亡Bax蛋白表达的影响.方法 V79细胞经传代培
国家经贸委主任王忠禹在不久前召开的全国经贸工作会议上提出,1994年的经贸工作要以企业为中心 Wang Zhongyu, director of the State Economic and Trade Commission, poin
No.Project NameCapaclty TotalInvestmentUS$1 .1 billionCooPeratlon COlltentintroducing fundand locomotive,equlPlllentintroducing fundModeSOf CooP.JV,eooP·10aJ】
联合国最近发布世界经济年终展望指出,1994年世界经济增长率可望达到2.5%,从而结束连续3年增长率只有或低于1%的局面。 亚洲发展中国家仍将居世界经济增长的前列,其中中国的增