
来源 :中国电力企业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guodianwangxg
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无论现在和将来,文化始终引领着企业的全面发展,其中,安全文化是企业稳定健康发展的有力保障。以文化人,落实在企业安全生产中,就是以安全文化化人,使安全文化沉淀为安全文明。“严是爱己爱人”“严是爱己爱人”从信念中来。电力行业是国民经济基础行业,充足稳定的电力促进了经济社会转型升级、提升了人民生活品质。作为电力职工,责任重大,使命光荣。时下,公共安全受到高度关注,保障公共安全是长期的系统工程,保障电力安全生产,便是公共安全理念的 No matter now and in the future, culture has always led the all-round development of the enterprise. Among them, the safety culture is a powerful guarantee for the stable and healthy development of the enterprise. To cultural people, the implementation of enterprise safety in production, that is, a safe culture of people, so that security culture as a safe and civilized. “Strict love is love ” “Strict love is love ” From the faith. The power industry is the basic industry of the national economy. Adequate and stable power has promoted the economic and social transformation and upgrading and the quality of people’s life. As a power worker, we have a great responsibility and a glorious mission. Nowadays, public safety is highly concerned about ensuring public safety. It is a long-term systematic project to ensure the safe production of electricity. It is the concept of public safety
(续上期)广东南和联合企业公司 HL808P/T磁带录音电话机······…… 有效期:94.2.16~95.2.16 HL808(Iv)P/T磁带录音电话机…… 有效期:94.12.3