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新年的钟声携着清新的晨光沐浴着我们的身心,像个翅膀发亮的天使一样温馨,浪漫; 吉祥鸟翔过金秋的灿烂,严冬的岑寒;翔过绮丽的绿水,峻秀的青山,衔来喜庆与祝福,衔来崭新的2003! 过去的一年,有那么多快乐幸福围绕在我们身边:党的十六大的胜利召开,描绘了全面建设小康社会的宏伟蓝图;“三个代表”重要思想的提出,开辟了我们党历史上的新纪元;政治建设更趋成熟,经济建设飞速发展,人民更加安居乐业,小康生活即将全面实现。 New Year’s bell carrying a fresh morning light bathing our body and mind, like a bright angel wings as warm and romantic; auspicious birds Xiang autumn glory, harsh winter Cen; Xiang beautiful green water, Junxiu Castle Peak, the title of celebration and blessing, a new title to 2003! In the past year, there were so many happy beings around us: the victory of the 16th National Congress of the CPC; the grand blueprint for building a moderately prosperous society in all aspects; the proposal of the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ which opened up the history of our party A new era; political construction more mature, rapid development of economic construction, people live and work more peace and contentment, well-off life will be fully realized.
目的 确定肝管的行程,为显露肝左管及肝方叶切除提供应用解剖学基础。方法 本文对64例成人肝标本中肝左管的长度及毗邻关系进行测量。结果 肝左管位于肝方叶后1/3范围,相当于
王不留行系石竹科植物麦蓝菜Vaccaria segetalis(Neck)Garcke.的干燥成熟种子,野碗豆系豆科植物野碗豆Vicia sativa C.的种子,芸苔子系十字花科植物油菜Brassica Brassica
隐孔菌(Cryptoporus volvatus(pk·)Hubbard)属于多孔菌科植物。分布在广西、广东、四川、云南、河北、福建、海南和吉林。担子果球形或扁球形,外观上整个子实体如一空囊。
共试验32种药用植物:大花刺果泽泻叶(Echino-dours grandiflorus),苣荬菜叶,多花斑鸠菊叶(Ver-nonia polyanthes),球形米甘草叶(Mikania glomer-ata),水田芥气生部分,芝麻莱
The computer code for the prediction of forest fire behavior is presented. Basic concept of the study is a combined approach to the problem, including the origi
本文对11科16种的药用植物体细胞染色体作了计数,并就有关的细胞学和分类学问题略作了讨论。 In this paper, the somatic chromosomes of 16 medicinal plants from 11 fam