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  Author(作者): Kevin Henkes(凯文 汉克斯)
  Owen had a fuzzy(毛茸茸的) yellow blanket. He loved the blanket very much. He took the blanket with him every day.
A Forgde Note
Paws got up early. He was going to have a run. But a nice smell* led him to Presto’s magic room.* “Wow! This is really a magical(神奇的) place!” Paws was amazed(惊奇的).  On the table, Paws saw a steaming s
Someone called me just now(刚才) and asked me to hand over(交出) the secret document. Please come to my home and help me.
Look at the funny pictures and read the sentences. You will find it easy to remember the words and their sounds!
Are you ready to make a nice Shish Ka Bob? The words of the Shish Ka Bob in this issue are—  climb banana present elephant  A cat takes a banana with her mouth and climbs on the wall. She wants to fin
There are two trees in a garden. One is old, the other is young.  Spring comes. Many animals go to the garden. A bird says to the young tree, “Can I make a house on your branch?”  “No, you can’t,” say
Do you like reading? Reading English stories is good for your English study. Let me show you a nice English story-book.  Author: Eric Carle(埃里克·卡尔)  One night, Monica looked out of her window and saw
近一时期,“文化”显然是经济生活中的“热词”。  2月下旬,文化部发布《文化部“十二五”时期文化产业倍增计划》,提出“十二五”期间,文化部门管理的文化产业增加值平均现价增长速度高于20%,2015年比2010年至少翻一番,实现倍增。  作为“十二五”的专项规划,文化部的《倍增计划》可谓“应时之举”。去年10月召开的十七届六中全会,首次以全会形式研讨文化专题,首次就文化问题作出专门决定,也是首次提出
苍南县政府2012年工作报告中提出:“要把扩大投资作为加快发展的主要驱动力,把调整结构、转型升级作为加快发展的工作主线。”这个提法很科学,也很振奋人心。  我的建议之一是,政府要引导企业“谨慎转型,优先升级”。  “调整结构、转型升级”大方向是正确的,但是在具体实践的时候,要注意把握分寸,区分轻重。就拿“转型升级”来说,我认为在当前的形势下,“升级”比“转型”更重要。  转型更多强调的是从一个行业
近悉,去年刚过甲子的北京某国有印刷厂拟迅速收缩/搬迁其印刷主业,将原厂房装修出租。曾经有过光荣历史并几度辉煌,且在行业中有一定地位,如今却被迫走入行业的边缘,很多与工厂同行数十载的职工们,感情上受到冲击的程度可想而知。但更重要的,则应是痛定思痛,进行深层次的思考和总结,以期为企业和行业提供有益的借鉴。  据该印刷厂管理者分析,此次严峻形势的出现,源自资金的极度紧张,资金链可能在短期内的断裂。其实背