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报载,某县委书记为防止部分干部在乡镇领导班子换届之际跑官要官,日前在其休息室大门上张贴了一张“告示”:坦言“要官别找我”。另据报载,某县不久前通知全县干部,今后凡是找县委领导或组织部跑官要官的,一律记录在案,并将其名单在电视台曝光。其实,类似这样的举措现实中还有不少,这既说明了当前一些地方跑官要官现象的严重程度,也反映了各级党组织制止跑官要官现象的坚决态度。跑官要官之风在一些地方屡禁不止,究其原因,主要就是在这些地方干部职务方面的正常晋升机制还没有真正形成,领导干部凭个人好恶、亲疏、恩怨、得失看人用人的现象没有得到根本改变。正因为在干部任用工作中“人治”因素比较严重,制度和机制性因素作用难以发挥,才使极 According to the newspaper, in order to prevent some cadres from running for officials on the occasion of the election of township leading bodies, a county party secretary recently posted a “notice” on the door of his lounge: frankly, “we should not let me find me.” According to another newspaper report, a county not long ago notified all cadres in the county, who always look for county leaders or department officials running officials, all recorded, and its list exposed on television. Actually, there are still many such measures in reality, which not only shows the seriousness of the phenomenon of running chief officials in some places at present but also reflects the resolute attitude of the party organizations at all levels in stopping the phenomenon of running chief officials. The main reason for running the official rank and file in some places is that the regular promotion mechanism for cadres in these places has not yet been formed. The leading cadres have not been able to see the human person by virtue of personal likes and dislikes, relatives, and grudges, Change fundamentally. It is precisely because of the more serious “rule of man” in the work of appointment of cadres that it is difficult to exert the role of institutional and institutional factors,
邹国与鲁国发生了冲突。邹穆公问孟子:“我们国家在这次冲突中光官吏就死了许多人,而老百姓却没有一个去营救。如果惩罚老百姓,他们那么多人, 也惩罚不过来;倘若不惩罚他们,
介绍了北京国贸中心二期工程基坑支护结构体系设计与计算,钢支撑体系的关键技术措施。 The design and calculation of the support structure system of the foundation pit