Priority on Environmental Legislations To Fortify the Essential Substance of Society

来源 :世界环境 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ihwren
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The outbreak of blue algae in Taihu Lake,the tap water shutdown of Wuxi Wa- ter Supply Company,and no more release of green GDP reports in China,have at- tracted broad attention of the public this summer. The main reasons for the outbreak of blue algae from the south to the north in China are high temperature,drought and the drop of water level,with the large quantity of waste water discharge and the years of The outbreak of blue algae in Taihu Lake, the tap water shutdown of Wuxi Wa- ter Supply Company, and no more release of green GDP reports in China, have at- tracted broad attention of the public this summer. The main reasons for the outbreak of blue algae from the south to the north in China are high temperature, drought and the drop of water level, with the large quantity of waste water discharge and the years of
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一、引言呼和浩特中低空管制区分别在内蒙古料木山、磴口、赛汉、锡林设有甚高频遥控台。“十五”期间北京大区在内蒙古地区又建设六个甚高频遥控台,其中磴口、蛮汉 I. INTR
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