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江苏海门市总工会组织部方振亚报道近期,海门市总工会机关干部学习论坛正式启动。海门市总工会全体机关干部以及乡镇(园区)专职工会干部接受了培训。这是海门市总工会提升工会干部队伍素质的重要举措之一。据了解,今年以来,该市总工会党组审时度势,针对实际状况,采取有效举措,切实把提升工会干部队伍素质摆上重要议事日程。一是在市总工会机关干部中建立“机关干部学习论坛”。通过全员轮流上台授课方式,加强机关工会干部对工会工作理论和业务知识、相关法律法规等知识的学习,通过互帮互助,锻炼提高,真正打造一支“坐下能写、上台能讲、走出去能协调”的优秀机关工会干部队伍。二是开展新建企业工会主席培训班。新形势、新任务迫切要求每个新任工会干部尽快熟悉新业务、掌握新知识、进入新角色。对此,该市总工会每年都要组织新任工会干部培训,由市总工会副主席亲自授课,通过典型案例、生动平实的语言,对如何当好基层工会主席以及基层工会应当做好的工作进行全面、细致的业务讲解。使参 Recently, Haimen Federation of Trade Unions cadre learning forum was officially launched. Haimen City Federation of Trade Unions cadres and township (park) full-time trade union cadres received training. This is one of the important measures taken by Haimen Federation of Trade Unions to enhance the quality of trade union cadres. It is understood that since the beginning of this year, the city’s general trade unions and party groups have taken stock of the situation and, in view of actual conditions, have taken effective measures to earnestly elevate the quality of trade union cadres and put them on the important agenda. First, the establishment of the General Staff Union cadres in the city “organs cadre learning forum ”. By taking turns taking the courses in full swing, the cadres of organs of trade unions will step up their study on the theory and business knowledge of trade unions and the relevant laws and regulations, and enhance their knowledge and training so that they can truly create one. Go out to be able to coordinate "outstanding organs of trade unions and cadres. The second is to carry out new business union chair training class. The new situation and new tasks urgently require every newly appointed trade union cadre to familiarize himself with new business as soon as possible, acquire new knowledge and enter a new role. To this end, the city’s Federation of Trade Unions every year to organize the training of new trade union cadres, City Federation of Trade Unions vice president personally taught by typical cases, vivid and plain language, how to be good grass-roots trade unions and grassroots unions should do a good job Comprehensive and detailed business explanation. Make reference
几年来,我根据农村小学的实际,因陋就简,就地取材,通过多种途径,想方设法,努力做好自然课的实验,取得了一些经验。 一、依据教材,制定好实验计划 自然课教师先要吃透教材,