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2010年本人入选“江苏人民教育家培养工程”首批培养对象,又始任新建的句容市崇明小学校长,一种对教育的责任感与使命感促使我对人的本质和教育的本源意义作深入的思考。立足教育现状,展望教育未来发展,借鉴中国传统文化思想及现代教育理论,结合自身对教育价值的判断,在实践探索中践行“致和”的教育主张,为师生的生命成长营造了一方“池塘”。“和”是中华民族传统文化的精髓。和,一 In 2010, I was selected as one of the first batch of training subjects for Jiangsu Educator Training Project, and once again became the principal of the newly established Chongming Primary School in Jurong City. A sense of responsibility and mission to education impels me to understand the essence of human and the origin of education Meaning for in-depth thinking. Based on the status quo of education, looking forward to the future development of education, learning from the traditional Chinese cultural thinking and modern educational theory, combined with its own judgments on the value of education, practicing “induced and ” educational ideas in practice and exploration for the life growth of teachers and students One side “pond”. “And ” is the essence of the traditional Chinese culture. And, one
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In recent years, many evaluations on Web sites have been conducted, and relevant researches have also been carried out in academic circle. This paper introduces
【摘要】 由于山寨文化是我社会进入新的转型期出现的必然现象,它和网络结合在一起,获得广大的发挥空间,因而它不会只是昙花一现,而是深深扎根于当前社会,具有旺盛的生命力。我们要正确看待山寨文化,认识发展山寨文化的重要性,满足人们日益多样化的文化需求,建设和谐社会与文化。  【关键词】 山寨文化;生命力;重要性    2008年,“山寨”一词以迅雷不及掩耳之势席卷了大江南北,除了大家熟悉的山寨手机之外,
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