
来源 :石河子医学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jsww2009
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包虫病主要流行於畜牧区,寄生部位以肝、肺为多见,侵及眼眶甚少。现将我院收治的二例报告如下:例1:女性,3岁,汉族,新疆人,因右眼突出于1974年10月22日住院,一月前见右眼逐渐突出,视力下降。眼部检查:右眼突出,仅能分辨眼前物外斜,内收运动障碍,眼睑闭合不全,眼底视乳头水肿,突出3个屈光度。左眼无异常眼眶拍片:右眼眶大於左眼眶,密度较左侧浓厚,眶上裂,眶下裂及视神经孔均正常。血象正常,嗜酸性细胞分类计数为2%。入院后据右眼突出,病程短,发展快, Hydatid disease is mainly prevalent in animal husbandry areas, the parasitic sites to the liver, lung is more common, rarely infested and orbital. Now in our hospital were treated two cases are as follows: Example 1: Female, 3 years old, Han nationality, Xinjiang people, because the right eye prominence in October 22, 1974 hospitalization, one month ago see the right eye gradually prominent, visual acuity decreased. Eye examination: the right eye prominent, can only distinguish the front of the external oblique, adduction movement disorders, eyelid insufficiency, fundus papilledema, prominent 3 diopters. No abnormal left eye Orbital film: the right eye orbital than the left eye, the density is thicker than the left, superior orbital fissure, orbital fissure and optic nerve hole were normal. Blood normal, eosinophil count was 2%. According to the right eye after admission, short course, rapid development,
本文考虑各设计参数的离散性,建立了具有可靠度约束的园柱形螺旋压缩弹簧的优化设计模型,并对实例进行了计算,所得结果符合实际,效果明显。 In this paper, considering the
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冰冻三尺,非一日之寒汉语拼音:bīng dòng sān chǐ,fēi yī rì zhī hán出处和示例:汉·王充《论衡·状留》,“故夫河冰结合,非一日之寒;积土成山,非斯须之作。”明·
Alport 氏综合征是遗传性听力减退伴有肾脏异常,其特征为:1. 对男性正染色体显性遗传的影响较对女性严重;2. 进行性肾炎和尿毒症;3. 进行性感音神经性聋;4. 眼的晶体异常。
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