
来源 :交通与运输(学术版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bxybxy0531
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在我国经济高速发展的同时,交通与经济发展不协调的程度越来越严重,特别是在我国的大都市圈地区。借鉴国外大都市圈城市交通发展的经验,公共交通是解决交通拥堵的最佳手段。在我国,发展城际轨道交通是可持续发展战略的需要,是发挥区位优势、促进现代化进程的需要,同时也是调整生产力布局、加快经济发展的需要。城际轨道交通的建成,将大大方便城市间居民的出行。文章以我国珠三角都市圈城际轨道交通自动化系统为研究对象,以系统思想为指导,对城际轨道交通自动化系统的若干问题进行了研究。主要内容如下:城际轨道交通自动化系统的研究意义、特点、内容、构建和发展趋势。 At the same time of the rapid economic development in our country, the degree of uncoordination between transport and economic development is getting more and more serious, especially in the metropolitan area of ​​our country. Learn from the experience of urban transport development in foreign metropolitan areas, public transport is the best means to solve traffic congestion. In our country, the development of inter-city rail transit is the need of sustainable development strategy. It is the need of giving play to the advantages of location and promoting the modernization. It is also the need of adjusting the layout of productive forces and accelerating the economic development. The intercity rail transit will be completed, will greatly facilitate the travel between urban residents. Taking the inter-city rail transit automation system in the Pearl River Delta metropolitan area as the research object and with the systematic thinking as the guide, the article studies some problems in the inter-city rail transit automation system. The main contents are as follows: The research significance, characteristics, content, construction and development trend of intercity rail transit automation system.
我院1963年以来收治尿路梗阻性无尿症26例。其中泌尿系以外肿瘤压迫双侧输尿管引起者6例,5例做了病理检查,报告如下: 6例皆为女性,年龄32~61岁,平均47.5岁。24小时尿量均少于
本文将我院近十年住院确诊的类风湿病216例中有肾脏损害的66例进行分析。 1 材料与方法 类风湿病216例,男127例,占58.8%,女89例,占41.2%。年龄最小7岁,最大70岁。50岁以下184
随着腹腔镜技术的不断发展,腹腔镜手术已扩展到了泌尿外科领域。我院自1994年4月以来已成功施行经腹腔镜精索静脉高位阻断术12例,报道如下。 临床资料 1.一般情况:本组12例
一、知识要点 1.本单元必须掌握的知识要点 西半部欧洲曲折的海岸,平原山地为主的地形;温和湿润的气候,密布的河网;人口稠密经济发达的地区;英法两国自然、经济特征。 俄罗