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亚太地区是当今世界经济发展最快、最富有生机和活力的地区,中国是亚太地区最引人注目并令全球投资者普遍看好的地区,成为全球经济投资的热点。深圳作为我国改革开放的“窗口”和“试验场”,经过15年的发展,已由一个昔日的边陲小镇迅速发展或为初具规模的现代化城市,创造了举世闻名的深圳速度,成为我国乃至世界少有的经济高增长地区,城市综合经济实力已跃居全国大中城市的第5位。 本世纪最后几年是深圳经济发展的又一重大的历史机遇。党中央关于制定“九五”计划和2010年规划的建议提出了以“科教兴国”和实现“两个根本转变”为突出特征的宏伟发展远景目标,市委市政府根据江总书记“争创新优势,更上一层楼”的指示精神,向全市人民提出了进行第二次创业,建设现代化的国际性城市的战略任务。随着香港“九七”回归和深港经济的衔接,走向21世纪的深圳经济将更加成熟、开放和繁荣。 一、在较为成熟的市场经济体制上运行的深圳经济 深圳是我国体制改革的“试验场”,为全国的经济体制改革探索道路、积累经验,是深圳的基本任务之一。特区初创之时,为适应大规模基础设施建设的需要,深圳率先突破了传统的基建管理模式,进行投资体制的改革,实行建筑产品商品化和国有土地有偿使用,从而揭开了深圳大规模经济体? The Asia Pacific region is the fastest growing region in the world with the most vitality and vitality. China is the most attractive region in the Asia Pacific region and generally favored by global investors. It has become a hot spot for global economic investment. As a “window” and a “test ground” for China’s reform and opening up, Shenzhen has been rapidly developed by a former border town or a modernized city with a size that has become a window of the world’s reform and opening up. It has become a And even the world’s rare high-growth economy, the comprehensive economic strength of the city has risen to No. 5 among the large and medium-sized cities in the country. The last few years of this century are another major historic opportunity for the economic development in Shenzhen. The CPC Central Committee’s Proposal on Formulating the Ninth Five-Year Plan and the 2010 Plan Put forward the grand development goal featuring “rejuvenating the country with science and education” and realizing “two fundamental changes”. According to General Secretary Jiang’s “striving for new advantages , To a higher level, ”the spirit of the instructions to the people of the city proposed a second start-up, the strategic task of building a modern international city. With the return of Hong Kong’s “1997” plan and the connection between Shenzhen and Hong Kong’s economy, the Shenzhen economy going to the 21st century will become more mature, open and prosperous. I. Shenzhen Economic Shenzhen Operating on a More Proper Market Economic System Shenzhen is a “test ground” for our country’s institutional reform. It is one of the basic tasks for Shenzhen to explore the national economic structural reform path and gain experience. At the time of its start-up, in order to meet the needs of large-scale infrastructure construction, Shenzhen took the lead in breaking through the traditional infrastructure management mode, reforming its investment system, implementing the commercialization of construction products and paying for the use of state-owned land, thereby opening the Shenzhen large-scale economy body?
如何在竞技钓鱼比赛中做到公平竞争,近期来引起了一些争论,其中张武斌和王仲仁两位先生明显是各执一端。本人不揣冒昧,也来说上几句。 How to achieve fair competition in
一、贫富差距继续扩大 90年代以来随着以市场为取向的改革步伐的加快,传统的以平均主义为主要特征的分配体制被打破,我国的贫富差距呈现出继续扩大的态势。 1.城乡之间的差