近年来,随着社会的发展,城市中各种突发事件的发生频率越来越高,因此需要加强对城市应急决策支持系统(Emergency Decision Supports System,EDSS)的研究。进化策略是受自然进化过程启发,并成为求解全局优化问题的重要方法。将进化策略应用于EDSS中的消防救援事件的推理决策过程,提高了EDSS处理复杂问题的决策能力,实验证实了此方法的有效性。
In recent years, with the development of society, the occurrence of emergencies in cities is becoming more and more frequent. Therefore, research on Emergency Decision Supports System (EDSS) needs to be strengthened. Evolutionary strategy is inspired by the natural evolutionary process and becomes an important method for solving global optimization problems. The evolution strategy is applied to the reasoning decision-making process of fire and rescue events in EDSS, which improves the decision-making ability of EDSS in handling complex problems. Experiments prove the effectiveness of this method.