福建永定是毛泽东等老一辈无产阶级革命家战斗过的地方。英勇的永定客家土楼人在党的领导下,顽强斗争,前仆后继,用鲜血谱写了可歌可泣的壮丽诗篇。 伟人的足迹——革命领袖在永定客家土楼 周恩来等率领南昌起义军在永定 1927年8月1日,周恩来、贺龙、叶挺、朱德、刘伯承等领导了震撼中外的南昌起义,这支起义军曾先后两次进入永定客家土楼。
Fujian Yongding was a place where Mao Zedong and other proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation fought. The courageous Yongding Hakka Tulou people under the leadership of the party, indomitable struggle, followed, with the blood to write epic poignant epic poem. Great Footprints - Revolutionary Leader led by Zhou Enlai, Yongding Hakka Earth Building, led the Nanchang Uprising Army On August 1, 1927, Zhou Enlai, He Long, Ye Ting, Zhu De and Liu Bocheng led the Nanchang Uprising that shocked both China and foreign countries. Twice entered Yongding Hakka Earth Building.