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民族身份一直是爱尔兰戏剧的重要主题。20世纪初,爱尔兰戏剧挑战和颠覆英国殖民者强加爱尔兰的文化形象,发明了本民族的身份认同——爱尔兰特性。此后,戏剧不断成为想象和叙述民族身份的媒介。进入90年代后,爱尔兰政府出台了一系列政策措施,吸引了大量海外投资,在经济上取得长足的发展,成为最具全球化特征的国家之一,被誉为“凯尔特之虎”。与此同时,作为其文化产业重要组成部分的戏剧也活力无限,人才辈出。本文拟廓清这一时期爱尔兰戏剧的走向,分析其在运作模式和创作主题尤其是叙述民族身份方面的变化。在全球化的影响下,爱尔兰戏剧的运作更加国际化,对民族身份的讨论更加多元,展示出身份的多维度。与叶芝、辛格等爱尔兰文艺复兴时期的剧作家不同的是,这一时期的剧作家对民族身份问题不再负有宏大叙事的责任和压力,而是可以更为成熟、理性地去探讨、剖析,甚至去解构和把玩。面对凯尔特之虎时期全球化的影响以及重大的社会变化,他们作品中所叙述的爱尔兰特性不再是固定、清晰的,而是具有多重维度,处于不断变化,不断被叙述的过程中。 Ethnic identity has always been an important theme of Irish theater. Early in the twentieth century, Irish theater challenged and subverted the British colonialists to impose the cultural image of Ireland and invented the identity of the nation - the Irish character. Since then, theater has become the medium of imagining and narrating national identities. Into the 90’s, the Irish government introduced a series of policies and measures to attract a large number of overseas investment, made substantial economic development has become one of the most global characteristics of the country, known as the “Celtic Tiger ”. At the same time, drama, an important part of its cultural industry, is also full of talent and talent. This article intends to outline the trend of Irish drama during this period and to analyze its changes in its mode of operation and theme of creation, especially narrative national identity. Under the influence of globalization, the operation of Irish drama is more internationalized, the discussion on national identity is more diverse, demonstrating the multidimensional identity. And Yeats, Singh and other Irish Renaissance playwright is different, the playwright of this period no longer bear the responsibility of macro-narrative and pressure on national identity, but can be more mature and rational to explore Analyze, and even deconstruct and play. In the face of the globalization of the Celtic Tiger and the major social changes, Irish features described in their works are no longer fixed and clear, but rather multi-dimensionally, constantly changing and constantly narrated .