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实现社会和谐,建设美好社会,始终是人类孜孜以求的一个理想社会。没有健全的法律制度,没有公民法治意识的普及,没有依法办事的落实,就不可能保证社会主义市场经济的顺利发展,就不可能维护正常的社会秩序,人民群众就不可能安居乐业,和谐社会构建就无从谈起。而法制的健全和法治? To realize social harmony and build a beautiful society has always been an ideal society that mankind pursues. Without a sound legal system and without the popularization of citizens’ awareness of the rule of law, it is impossible to guarantee the smooth development of the socialist market economy without safeguarding the normal social order and making it impossible for the people to live and work in peace and well and to build a harmonious society It is impossible to talk about. The legal system and the rule of law?
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本文针对法学学报篇目英译质量提出问题并列举20个实例用以说明。 In this paper, we propose some questions about the quality of English translation of Jurisprudence
【案 例】 某县地方税务局分局于2004 年6 月18日依法对该县个体业主肖某的税收违法行为作出罚款1 500元的处罚决定。肖某对税务机关的处理不服,于当天以书面形式向县地
An improvement method for the combining rule of Dempster evidence theory is proposed. Different from Dempster theory, the reliability of evidences isn’t identi
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