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现将省经委《关于试办十一个企业性工业公司(总厂)的请示报告》转发你们,望抓紧在批准试点的公司(总厂)中试行。地、市试点公司可参照执行。按专业化协作的原则改组工业,是改变我省工业目前存在的“小而全”、 “大而全”的落后生产方式,加怏工业发展,更好地适应四化需要的重要措施。这项工作涉及面广、政策性强,与体制改革紧密相连,我们还缺乏经验,必须认真搞好试点,以便为今后改组工业体制积累经验,创造条件。有关地、市、厅、局一定要加强对试点的领导。各级计委,经委、’财办以及工商行政管理、财政、银行、税务、物资、劳动、商业、外贸等部门要大力协同,积极支持,认真研究解决试点中遇到的问题,把试点工作搞好。有关试点的具体工作,由省经委负责。所有试点单位都要充分利用组织起来的优势,千方百计全面完成和超额完成今年国家计划,在增产节约运动中做出显著成绩。 The Provincial Economy and Trade Commission’s “Report on the Piloting of 11 Corporate Industrial Companies (Plant Factory)” is now being forwarded to you, and it is hoped that the trial will be implemented in the pilot company (general plant). Local and municipal pilot companies can refer to the implementation. Restructuring the industry according to the principle of specialization and collaboration is to change the current “small and complete” and “big and full” backward production methods of the province’s industry, and increase the industrial development to better meet the needs of the four modernizations. Important measures. This work involves a wide range of policies and is closely linked to institutional reforms. We still lack experience and we must conscientiously carry out trials in order to accumulate experiences and create conditions for the restructuring of the industrial system in the future. Relevant places, cities, offices, and bureaus must strengthen their leadership over the pilots. The planning committees at all levels, the Economic Commission, the fiscal and industrial and commercial administration, finance, banking, taxation, materials, labor, commerce, foreign trade, and other departments shall vigorously coordinate and actively support the study and solve the problems encountered in the pilot projects. Do a good job. The specific work of the pilots is the responsibility of the Provincial Economic Commission. All pilot units must make full use of the advantages of the organization and do everything possible to fully complete and over-achieve this year’s national plan and make remarkable achievements in the production-increasing and conservation-oriented campaign.
地处通州与朝阳交界的地段上,有个远近闻名的“哑铃村”。黎各庄村村西京运铸造厂占地200亩,它的产品远 At the junction of Tongzhou and Chaoyang, there is a famous “
哈尔滨警方近日破获一起制售假药案,查获三十五万盒假心脑血管疾病常用药,犯罪嫌疑人刑满释放两个月后就因重操旧业被抓。  今年初,哈尔滨市公安局接到黑龙江省公安厅转交线索:哈尔滨市呼兰、松北地区有一个生产销售假药的窝点。随后,哈尔滨市公安局刑侦支队等部门成立专案组,经过艰苦的工作,掌握了大量证据。5月20日,警方收网,将宋某等九人抓获。  办案人员共在宋某的两处生产窝点缴获三套药品生产设备和生产原料,
各市人民政府、行署、各县(市)人民政府,省政府各部门、各直属机构,各大企业: 《国务院关于深化化肥流通体制改革的通知》(国发[1998]39号)已翻印发给你们, Municipal Peop