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各市人民政府,省政府各部门、各直属机构,各大企业: 6月份,全省国民经济继续呈现持续快速健康发展的态势。工业生产快速增长,经济效益继续回升。全省规模以上工业同比增长21.9%,增速达到了5年以来最快的水平。高新技术产业快速发展,6月份完成增加值同比增长24%,比全省工业平均增幅高2.1个百分点。上半年实现利税增幅达到5.4%,实现利润同比增长3.7%。地方工业效益继续保持较高的增长水平,实现利税、利润分别增长19.6%和27.5%。投资和利用外资增速强劲。上半年,全省国有及其他单位完成投资同比增长33.5%,增幅比去年同期提高17.7个百分点,比全国平均水平高出9.1个百分点。实际利用外资同比增长45%。国内外市场销售稳步趋好。6月份实现社会消费品零售额同比增长11%。进入二季度,外贸出口增速逐月提高,6月份增长16.96%。 Municipal People’s Governments, all departments of the provincial government, all subordinate agencies and major enterprises: In June, the national economy in the province continued to show a trend of sustained, rapid and healthy development. Rapid growth of industrial production, economic efficiency continued to rise. The industry above designated size in the province increased by 21.9% over the same period of last year, the growth rate has reached the quickest level in five years. The rapid development of high-tech industries, the value added in June to complete an increase of 24%, higher than the province’s industrial average increase of 2.1 percentage points. In the first half of the year, profits and taxes increased by 5.4% and profits increased by 3.7%. Local industrial efficiency continued to maintain a high level of growth and profits, taxes and profits increased by 19.6% and 27.5% respectively. The growth of investment and utilization of foreign investment has been strong. In the first half of the year, the investment made by the state-owned and other units in the province increased by 33.5% over the same period of previous year, an increase of 17.7 percentage points over the same period of last year and 9.1 percentage points higher than the national average. The actual utilization of foreign investment increased by 45% over the same period of last year. Sales at home and abroad are steadily getting better. In June, the retail sales of social consumer goods increased by 11% over the same period of last year. In the second quarter, the growth rate of foreign trade increased month by month, increasing by 16.96% in June.
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江湖故事婚前篇恩珍叙述: 我叫恩珍,混黑社会的,手下有五十多个兄弟,整天打打杀杀,他们个个威猛,可对我却怕得要命,我能成为他们的老大,因为我够狠,够酷,几场打斗让他们心服