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20年前的一个秋日,先生在一次手术的意外事故中匆匆地离我们而去,当时正在晋南采风的我闻此噩耗,在难以接受这残酷事实的同时,也从此在心头压上了一块挥之不去的负疚与沉重。这不仅由于我曾是他直接教导过的学生,也不仅由于他更先于他的同辈甚至长辈而去,而更由于他的品德、才华、业绩以及人格魅力在我心中积蓄而形成的崇敬之情,还由于本该前景更加辉煌的他,却偏偏一生坎坷多桀,令人胸中往往悲愤难平。因而他的离去所带给我心灵上的震憾与悲怆似乎更甚于他人。我在悲呼命运于他之如此不公,哀叹我国工艺美术事业又失去了一位杰出的设计家、教育家的同时,不禁陷入了深深的回忆: 44年前,当我初入学府时,先生即为建院时新增设的装潢美术系的第一任代理主任。尽管当时我对先生几乎一无所知,但我明显感到他对我们这建系后的第一班学员,倾注了更多的关怀与爱护。记得第一学年作业成绩展后,我听到当时的系秘书蔡诚秀先生转告我袁迈先生对我展出作业的评价与鼓励时,对正处于因自己的专业成绩不佳而陷入自卑的我来说是多么大的鼓舞与激励! 随着以后在校学习时日的增加,才从见到的先生的一些作品和听到他的一些经历中渐渐对他有了更多的认识,也渐渐从他的画品和人品中生出更多的敬意。我最早见到的先生的作品? On the autumn of 20 years ago, the gentleman left us in an accident of surgery. At that time, when I was reading the news in Jinnan, I learned the bad news and, at the same time, it was hard to accept the brutal fact. A lingering guilt and heavy. This is not only because I was a student whom he had taught directly, but also because of his admiration in advance of his peers and even elders, and more because of his morality, talent, performance and charisma in my heart Love, but also due to the more brilliant prospects for him, but why life bumpy, it is often sad and resentful bosom. Therefore, his departure brought me the spiritual shock and sadness seems to be more than others. I was sadly begging for fate in such an unfair to him, lamented the cause of our arts and crafts has lost an outstanding designer, educator at the same time, can not help but fell into a deep memory: 44 years ago, when I first entered the school, Mr. is the first acting director of the decorating art department newly established at the time of the founding of the institute. Although I knew almost nothing about my husband at that time, I clearly felt he devoted more care and love to the first class of students after our founding. I remember the first academic year after the job performance show, I heard that the Department of the Secretary Mr. Cai Chengxi told me Mr. Yuan Mai on my work on the evaluation and encouragement, is due to their poor professional performance and I fell into inferiority How much encouragement and motivation to say! With the increase in school days later, only to see him from some of his works and hear some of his experiences gradually have more understanding of him, and gradually from His paintings and character give more respect. My earliest gentleman’s work?
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