
来源 :中国医院管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:abcd494895936
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近几年来,由于受社会上一切向钱看的影响,反映在收取病人医疗费上一些人将市场经济中某些获利手段加以利用,采用分解医疗收费项目、价外加价、巧立名目等方式进行多收费、乱收费。这种行为不仅造成医疗费用的过快增长,使国家和个人在经济上都难以承受;也造成严重的不良影响。引起社会上的强烈不满,同时也败坏了医院的社会信誉.玷污了白衣天使的光辉形象。为制止这种不良现象的滋生和蔓延.我院从 In recent years, due to the influence of all the money in the society, it is reflected that some people use certain profit-making means in the market economy for collecting medical expenses of patients, and adopt methods such as disassembling medical charges, More charges, arbitrary charges. Such behavior not only leads to excessive growth of medical costs, making it economically unaffordable for both countries and individuals, but also has serious adverse effects. Aroused strong dissatisfaction in society, but also corrupted the hospital’s social credibility, tarnished the glorious image of the white angel. In order to stop the breeding and spread of this undesirable phenomenon, our hospital started from
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福建省花卉协会副会长 蔡幼华《中国花卉园艺》办刊的定位涉及栏目的设置及篇幅的重点。我认为,这本由中国花卉协会主办的刊物,应办成独具特色的权威性指导性刊物。中国花协
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