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股份制是商品经济和信用制度发展到一定高度的产物。根据《股票发行交易管理暂行条例》,有关股票在证券交易所上市后,须定期向证监会、证交所提交年度报告等文件,并在证监会和证交所指定的全国性和地方性报刊上公布。它不同于一般的工作总结,与一般经济集团的年度报告文书相比较,无论在内容上还是格式上,都有较大的差别。 上市股份公司年度报告,也称“年度业绩报告”,是上市股份公司向股东、市场、社会公开报告本公司全年经营情况,主要业绩的一种应用文体。写好上市股份公司年度报告对股东、市场、社会了解本公司经营情况,树立公司在公众心目中的形象,吸引外资,扩大公司经营规模, The joint-stock system is a product of a certain degree of development of the commodity economy and credit system. According to the “Provisional Regulations on the Administration of Stock Issuance and Transaction”, after the relevant stocks are listed on the stock exchange, they must submit regular annual reports and other documents to the SFC and stock exchanges, as well as national and local newspapers designated by the China Securities Regulatory Commission and stock exchanges. Announced. It is different from the general work summary. Compared with the annual report documents of the general economic group, there is a big difference in terms of content and format. The annual report of a listed stock company, also known as the “annual performance report”, is an applied style in which the listed stock company publicly reports to the shareholders, the market, and the society about the company’s operating conditions and major achievements. Write an annual report of the listed joint stock company to understand the company’s business situation to the shareholders, the market, and the society, establish the company’s image in the public’s mind, attract foreign investment, and expand the company’s business scale.
摘自《浙江科普资料》用冷拔低碳钢丝配筋的预应力混凝土长椽,截面尺寸40×40 mm,配4φ_y~b3钢筋,长度按房屋的进深而定,一般都在2.5米以上。它作为屋面构件,具有下列特点:1
中法住宅学术讨论会于去年11月在北京召开。两国代表交流了住宅规划、设计中的问题和采取的措施。法国代表介绍了他们的经验教训。50年代的大规模、高速度建设, The Sino-F
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比尔·盖茨可能是世界上最富有的人,但是那并没能使他在愚人节免遭两个冒充加拿大总理让·克雷蒂安的魁北克电台喜剧演员的愚弄。蒙特利尔法语电台CKMF-FM 星期三说电台编辑