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目的探讨颅脑损伤患者脑脊液(CSF)和血浆葡萄糖(G lu)、乳酸水平动态变化的临床意义。方法将70例颅脑损伤患者依GCS评分结果分为轻中型组(A组)40例和重型组(B组)30例,监测入院后24、48 h及1周时CSF及血浆G lu、乳酸水平的动态变化,并进行统计分析,探讨其意义。结果入院后24 h 2组患者的血糖含量明显高于其他时相,B组各时相血糖均高于A组(P均<0.01);CSF中G lu随着血糖浓度的改变而变化,上升速度较血糖缓慢,且1周时2组浓度无显著差异(P>0.05);相对CSF中G lu浓度波动,乳酸变化较小,仅在24 h时高于其他时相(P<0.01)及B组高于A组(P<0.05);24 h时血浆乳酸水平升高,余时相无明显波动;CSF中G lu水平明显低于血浆水平,乳酸显著高于血浆水平(P<0.01)。结论轻、中型与重型颅脑损伤后CSF及血浆中G lu和乳酸水平呈现不同的、明显的动态变化,CSF中G lu及乳酸水平与血液有很大差异,乳酸可能参与了中枢神经系统的能量代谢。 Objective To investigate the clinical significance of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), plasma glucose (G lu) and lactic acid in patients with brain injury. Methods Seventy patients with traumatic brain injury were divided into 40 cases in light and medium group (group A) and 30 cases in severe group (group B) according to GCS score. The levels of CSF and plasma G lu, Lactic acid levels of dynamic changes, and statistical analysis to explore its significance. Results The blood glucose levels of patients in two groups at 24 h after admission were significantly higher than those in other phases. The blood glucose in each phase in group B was significantly higher than that in group A (P <0.01), and the level of lu in CSF was increased with the change of blood glucose concentration (P> 0.05). Compared with the other phases (P <0.01), the changes of G lu concentration in the relative CSF were less and the change of lactate was smaller at 24 hours B group was higher than that of A group (P <0.05). The level of plasma lactate increased 24 hours later, while the other phase had no obvious fluctuation. The level of G lu in CSF was significantly lower than that in plasma and lactic acid was significantly higher than that in plasma (P <0.01) . Conclusions The levels of G lu and lactic acid in CSF, plasma and plasma of mild, moderate and severe craniocerebral injury show different and obvious dynamic changes. The levels of G lu and lactate in CSF are greatly different from those in blood. Lactic acid may be involved in the central nervous system Energy Metabolism.
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曾看过一场猴戏,那场戏就像用一把刀子刻在了我的脑海里,大概一生都不会忘记。  这只猴子很瘦小,技艺却不一般,能连翻二十多个筋斗,还能倒着拉独轮车在跷跷板上玩惊险。这小家伙太可爱了,看客们不停地鼓掌、叫好,并往帽子里扔钱。猴的主人很高兴,为了取悦观众,博得更多的赏钱,他突然对猴子下达新的指令:跪下!  猴子似乎没听懂主人的话,站在那里疑惑地看着主人。  “跪下!”主人又是一声喝,这次声音严厉了许多。
本实验是以家兔经双光气中毒后模拟肺水肿发生及发展过程,研究中毒后产生肺水肿表现在X线胸片征象的变化规律。 家兔中毒后1,2,4,6,8,12,24h拍片,每只家兔在中毒前均拍正常
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记得我曾经坐在她座位前的时候,一转头,就看到她那甜甜的笑容,而现在变了,我只看到——乌云一片。——题记 I remember when I was sitting in her seat before, I turned a