Review of cytokine profiles in patients with hepatitis

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:donna1105
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The development of T helper 1 versus T helper 2 cells is amajor branch point in the immune response and is animportant determinant of the body’s response to aninfectious pathogen,leading to protection of the host ordissemination of the disease.Resent studies have shownthat there exist macrophage activation states in parallelto the T helper cell type 1/2 paradigm,and the T helper1 development process is governed to a great degree bycytokine IL-12 provided mainly by antigen presenting cellssuch as macrophages and dendritic cells.A model inpatients with hepatitis is proposed that links the pathogen,macrophage activation and T helper cell polarization. The development of T helper 1 versus T helper 2 cells is amajor branch point in the immune response and is animportant determinant of the body’s response to an infectious pathogen, leading to protection of the host ordissemination of the disease. Resent studies have shownthat there exist macrophage activation states in parallel to the T helper cell type 1/2 paradigm, and the T helper 1 development process is governed to a great degree by cytokine IL-12 provided mainly by antigen presenting cellssuch as macrophages and dendritic cells. A model in patients with hepatitis is proposed that links the pathogen, macrophage activation and T helper cell polarization.
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