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广播员、文书、伙食团团长、水管站站长、企管办主任、镇武装部长、副乡长,从基层一路走来的吕玉珊笑称自己是个“杂家”。加02年,换届选举后,吕玉珊担任了广顺镇人大主席团主席。人大代表和人大主席的双重身份把吕玉珊推到了基层民主法制建设的前沿,在两年多的工作中他深刻地感受到,“从不成熟到成熟,从不完善到完善,在基层民主法制的变化和演变中人大起到了举足轻重的作用。”评议不再走过场在接受记者采访时,吕玉珊形象地比喻说:“人大的评议工作好比产品出厂后的质量抽查,只有认真严谨地搞好评 Broadcasters, clerical and food groups, water station owners, business management office directors, town armed ministers and deputy mayor Lv Yushan laughing at the grassroots level all the way to claiming to be a “miscellaneous family.” Plus 02 years, general election, Lv Yushan served as Guangshun Town Presidium chairman. The double identity of the NPC deputies and NPC chairman pushed Lu Yushan to the frontline of the building of democracy and the legal system at the grassroots level. In more than two years of work, he deeply felt that “from immaturity to maturity and from imperfection to perfection, In the course of changes and changes, the NPC has played a decisive role. ”Commenting No Longer Been Speaking at an interview with reporters, Lv Yushan vividly said:" People’s Congress’s deliberations work like a quality check after a product leaves the factory and can only be applauded in a serious and rigorous manner
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