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抄袭的文字是不表现自己的,勉强造作的文字也是不表现自己的,因为他以别人的想法为想法,以别人的论调为论调,就如鹦鹉说话、留声机唱曲一般。纵然是声音极嘹亮、韵调极悠扬,我们听见了,对于鹦鹉和留声机的自身,起了丝毫的感想没有?仿杜诗,抄韩文,即使抄了全段,仿得逼真,也不过只是表现杜甫韩愈,这其中哪里有自己!无论是长篇、短篇,数千言或几十字,从头至尾,读了一遍,可以使未曾相识的作者,全身涌现于读者之前。他的才情、性格和人生观,都可以由此推知。这样的作品,才可以 Plagiarism is not self-expression of the text, reluctantly written text does not express themselves, because he thought of others as the idea of ​​others to talk about the argument, as parrot talk, gramophone singing in general. Even though the sound is very loud, the rhyme is very melodious, we heard, for the parrot and the phonograph itself, did not feel the slightest impression? Du Fu imitation, copy Korean, even copied the whole paragraph, fake realistic, but only performance Du Fu, Han Yu, where does he have his own? Whether it is long, short, thousands of words or dozens of words, read it from start to finish, you can make the acquaintance of the author, the whole body emerges before the reader. His talent, character and outlook on life can be inferred. Such a work can be
A thermodynamic study has been carried out on M-Si-B (M=Fe, Ni) ternary systems. A regular solution approximation based on the sublattice model was adopted to d
日本金刚家族  全球最古老的家族企业,是传承40代、持续生存1400多年的日本金刚组。公元578年,圣德太子从朝鲜百济招请匠人柳重光,兴建四天王寺。此后,金刚组一直坚守“以佛教寺庙建造和维修为核心业务”的家训,其命运也与日本的发展脉络相吻合。2006年,金刚组因资不抵债被迫清盘,并被收购合并,新公司保持了“金刚组”名称,延续了公司原有组织结构。  纵观金刚组40代的传承历程,有两个方面格外值得关注
For the eyeball composed of membrane and liquid,the contrast of ultrasound imaging is not high due to its small variance in acoustic impedance.As a new imaging
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课标把“发展学生的数学应用意识”作为基本理念和总体目标提出,无疑是适应了时代发展的要求.新课程标准下高中统计的内容与教改前教材相比,变 Curriculum standards “dev