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在英语学习的四项基本技能“听说读写”中,虽然“写”被列在最后,但并不意味着其地位最不重要。相反,作为一种综合运用英语知识的实践活动,同时随着国际交流的深化,写作能力变得越发重要。它也被认为是四项技能中学生最难掌握的。学生怕写,教师怕改在英语教学中是普遍现象。英语初学者的作文中中式英语俯拾皆是,究其主要原因,母语负迁移的影响可以说是难辞其咎。一、迁移及母语迁移“迁移”实际上是心理学上的概念,它指的是个人已有的知识、技能等对其学习新知识、新技能产生影响的过程。在语言学 In the four basic skills of English learning, “Listening and Speaking”, although “writing” is listed at the end, it does not mean that its status is the least important. On the contrary, as a practical activity of applying English knowledge synthetically, as the international exchange deepens, writing ability becomes more and more important. It is also considered the hardest to master by four skills middle school students. Students fear to write, teachers afraid of change in English teaching is a common phenomenon. Chinese beginners’ essay is full of Chinese English. The main reason for this is that the negative influence of the negative influence of the mother tongue can not be overstated. First, the migration and mother tongue migration “Migration ” is actually a psychology concept, it refers to the individual’s existing knowledge, skills and other learning new knowledge, new skills impact process. In linguistics
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本文简述了一种实用新型碳烟微粒过滤技术,并且以485Q型柴油机为对象,针对130型二吨载货车配套研制了泡沫陶瓷过滤器。 In this paper, a new type of soot particulate filte
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