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基于利益相关者理论,以淮河源花岗岩石材开发为例,通过实地调查和结构访谈,系统剖析转型期我国地方特色资源开发中的利益主体关系、现实矛盾及运行机制,并提出优化开发模式。研究发现:地方政府通过创设工业园区、引入企业投资、发动村集体与村民参与,主导石材资源开发。企业通过与政府合作剥夺集体与村民的决策参与权,村集体由于自身职能不足,难以协调村民内部及与企业间利益关系,而企业生产又因政府、集体与村民的系统监督缺失陷入恶性循环,一并引发石材资源开发过程中经济、社会、管理、资源和环境的系统危机。基于利益相关者理论的“链式”石材开发模式,以多主体参与、利益协调为核心,通过明确政府主导地位,赋予集体与村民参与权利,划定职能边界,完善沟通机制,优化优惠政策与激励措施,促进工业园区健康发展与石材资源可持续开发。 Based on the stakeholder theory, taking Huaiheyuan granite stone development as an example, through field survey and structural interview, the paper systematically analyzes the relationship between stakeholders, reality contradiction and operating mechanism in the development of local characteristic resources in transitional period and puts forward the optimized development mode. The study found that local governments led the development of stone resources through the establishment of industrial parks, the introduction of business investment, the mobilization of village collectives and villagers. Enterprises cooperate with the government to deprive the collective and the villagers of decision-making participation rights. Due to their lack of functions, the village collective can not coordinate the internal relations among the villagers and the enterprises, and the production of the enterprises is caught in a vicious circle due to the lack of systematic supervision by the government, the collective and the villagers. The system crisis of economic, social, management, resources and environment in the process of stone resources development is triggered together. Based on stakeholder theory, the “chain” stone development model focuses on the participation of multiple subjects and the coordination of interests. By clearly dominating the government, giving collectives and villagers the right to participate, defining functional boundaries, improving communication mechanisms and optimizing concessions Policies and incentives to promote the healthy development of industrial parks and stone resources sustainable development.
介绍与比较了船舶操纵的各种自动舵控制方法 ,船舶自动舵可分为 4个发展阶段 ,即机械舵、PID舵、自适应舵和智能舵 ,其中智能舵为目前最先进的自动舵 ,它又分为专家系统、模
<正> 五、饲料与饲养管理1.饲料及其处理。水蚯蚓特别爱吃具有甜酸味的粮食类饲料,禽畜粪肥、生活污水、农副产品加工后的副产物和废弃物也是它们的优质饲料。但是