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随着改革与建设的深入发展,特别是在邓小平同志南方重要谈话和党的十四大精神鼓舞下,宣传工作进入了一个前所未有的广阔天地。在新形势下,宣传工作要抓住机遇,扎实、有效地为经济建设服务,就必须抓好四件事。一、抓大事促发展。宣传思想工作面广量大头绪多,被动应付只能事倍功半,因此,必须议大事,抓大事。当前,这头等重要的大事,就是要深入学习、宣传党的十四大精神,用建设有中国特色社会主义的理论武装全党,教育广大人民。具体来说,就是要抓在市场经济条件下,宣传工作中带有方针性、战略性、政策性的大事;及时发现改革与建设中的倾向性问题和深层次矛盾,把握动态,预测趋势;结合本地实际情况,每年集中精力干几件主题鲜明、影响全局、引导社会舆论的“宣传项目”。只有抓大事,宣传思想工作才能真正地从全局上为改革和建设服务, With the deepening reform and construction, encouraged by Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s important speech in the South and the fourteen spirit of the Party, the propaganda work has entered an unprecedented vast space. Under the new circumstances, if we must seize the opportunity to work in propaganda work and serve the economic construction in a solid and effective manner, we must grasp four things. First, grasp the major events to promote development. A wide range of propaganda and ideological aspects of the work lead, passive deal with only half the effort, therefore, must discuss major events, grasping events. At present, this important and important event means studying and publicizing the spirit of the 14th CPC National Congress, arming the entire party and educating the broad masses of the people with the theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. Specifically, it is necessary to grasp major issues of orientation, strategy and policy in propaganda work under the conditions of a market economy; find out the tendency problems and deep-rooted contradictions in the course of reform and construction in a timely manner, grasp the trends and forecast the trends; According to the actual situation in our country, we concentrate on several “publicity projects” with distinctive themes, influencing the overall situation and guiding public opinions every year. Only by grasping major events and propaganda and ideological work can we truly serve the reform and construction from the overall situation,
华汇工程建筑设计有限公司(HHD)是由中外合资,具有国家建筑甲级、规划乙级设计资质的综合性建筑设计单位,通过ISO 9001:2000国际质量认证。华汇公司是由曾经留学德国的周恺先
Probiotics which can provide potential health benefits for consumers and prevent disease, is the most important research field for functional food in the future