
来源 :数学大世界(上旬) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guihuxinxi
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在新课程改革的引导下,小学数学教学有了更高的要求,不再是进行单一的教学,让学生掌握有限的理论知识,而是要让学生实际提升数学思维和解决问题的能力。基于这样的目标,需要小学数学教师加强教学研究,转变传统的教学思路,从学生的实际情况出发,引导学生发现问题、解决问题,获得良好的学习效果。本文主要从当前的实际教学情况出发,结合小学生的学习特点,从多方面论述小学数学教学中提升学生解决问题能力的策略。 Under the guidance of the new curriculum reform, there is a higher demand for mathematics teaching in primary schools. Instead of conducting single teaching, students have limited theoretical knowledge. Instead, they should enable students to actually improve their mathematical thinking and problem-solving skills. Based on such a goal, primary school mathematics teachers need to strengthen teaching and research, change the traditional teaching ideas, proceed from the actual situation of students, guide students to discover problems, solve problems and obtain good learning results. Based on the current situation of practical teaching, this paper discusses the strategies of improving students’ ability to solve problems in primary school mathematics teaching from many aspects according to the learning characteristics of primary school students.
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方程或不等式的有解问题,既含有参数又含有变量,往往与函数、数列、方程、几何等有机结合起来,具有形式灵活、思维性强、不同知识交汇等特点 ,和恒成立问题很容易混淆,是近几