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当下,社会经济的发展日新月异,人民群众的生活得到改善,但是社会政治经济文化改革进入深水区、攻坚期,一些结构性矛盾仍旧突出,涉及民生领域的问题也愈发突出。传媒技术变革日新月异,新媒体发展倒逼传统媒体转型融合,传统媒体受到一定的冲击。民生新闻报道与采编也亟待与媒体的转型融合相契合,民生新闻在传达国家大政方针、反映社情民意、记录社会发展变革等领域大有作为,本文通过分析当下民生新闻采编领域出现的一些问题,从采编策略方法上进行探讨。 At present, the social and economic development is changing with each passing day, and the people’s life is improved. However, the social, political, economic and cultural reforms have entered the deep-water area and the crucial period. Some structural contradictions are still outstanding, and the issues concerning people’s livelihood are becoming increasingly prominent. The media technology changes with each passing day. The development of new media forces the convergence of the traditional media transformation, and the traditional media is subject to certain impacts. People’s livelihood news reports and editors also urgently need to be integrated with the media’s transformation and integration. Livelihood news has made great contributions in conveying the principle of state affairs, reflecting social conditions and public opinion, and recording changes in social development. Based on the analysis of some problems in the field of livelihood news editing and editing, Strategy method to explore.
本文从新闻编辑创新编排在电视新闻中的重要意义、新闻编辑创新能力的培养措施、新闻创新编排的方法三个角度进行了简要的探究。 This article makes a brief exploration f
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
江泽民同志关于“三个代表”的重要思想 ,高瞻远瞩、深谋远虑 ,是在世纪之交、千年更替的重要历史时刻 ,基于对国内外形势、党肩负的历史任务和党自身建设的实际的清醒认识和