
来源 :史学理论研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kiddmanwy
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中西史学的最大区别,是中国古代拥有官方制度化、组织化的史学活动。从官方史学的视角作中外史学的比较,可以发现:早期强烈的求真意识,是史学能够产生与发展的首要条件。求真与致用之间的对立统一,是古代史学发展的内在矛盾。而官方史学是中国古代特殊社会条件下产生的特别文化,具有促进史学繁荣的积极意义,也促使史学成为政治的附庸。今后的史学发展,应当强化其学术性,以求真、求是、求新为宗旨。 The biggest difference between Chinese and Western historiography is that it has an official institutionalized and organized historiography in ancient China. From the perspective of the official historiography for the comparison of Chinese and foreign historiography, we can find that the early strong sense of truth-seeking is the primary condition for the emergence and development of historiography. The unity of opposites between truth and dedication is the inherent contradiction in the development of ancient history. However, the official historiography is a special culture produced under the ancient special social conditions in China. It has the positive significance of promoting the prosperity of history and also makes historiography a vassal of politics. The development of historiography in the future should strengthen its academic nature and take truth seeking, seeking truth from facts and seeking new ideas as its purpose.
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