Theory and Method for Identifying Well Water Level Anomalies in a Groundwater Overdraft Area

来源 :Earthquake Research in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yulinfeng93
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The overexploitation of underground water leads to the continuous drawdown of groundwater levels, change of water quality and dry-up in dynamic water level observation wells. Due to land subsidence, the well pipes uplift and the observation piping systems are damaged. These environmental geology problems can present serious difficulties for the identification of earthquake anomalies by groundwater level observation. Basied on hydrogeological theories and methods, the paper analyzes the relations of the water balance state of aquifers with stress-strain conditions and the water level regime, and then discusses preliminarily the theory and method for identifying well water level anomalies in a groundwater overdraft area. The result shows that we can accurately judge the nature of the anomaly according to the diffusion character of the drawdown funnel in the well area in combination with the aforementioned theory and method and multi-year variation patterns obtained from existing data. The results of the research are helpful for distinguishing the influence of single centralized water pumping from the long-term overdraft of water on the water level, correctly recognizing water level anomalies in the groundwater overdraft area and increasing the level of earthquake analysis and prediction. The overexploitation of underground water leads to the continuous drawdown of groundwater levels, change of water quality and dry-up in dynamic water level observation wells. The to pipes subsidence, the well pipes uplift and the observation piping systems are damaged. These environmental geology problems can present serious difficulties for the identification of earthquake anomalies by groundwater level observation, the paper analyzes the relations of the water balance state of aquifers with stress-strain conditions and the water level regime, and then discusses preliminarily the theory and method for identifying well water level anomalies in a groundwater overdraft area. The result shows that we can accurately judge the nature of the anomaly according to the diffusion character of the drawdown funnel in the well area in combination with the thesaurus theory and method and multi-year variation patterns obtained from existing data. Th e results of the research are helpful for distinguishing the influence of single centralized water pumping from the long-term overdraft of water on the water level, correctly recognizing water level anomalies in the groundwater overdraft area and increasing the level of earthquake analysis and prediction.
1 病历简介患者男,64岁。入院诊断:格林巴利综合征。诊疗过程中,患者突发呼吸、心跳骤停,立即心电监护,行胸外按压,1分钟后心律未转复,即改用自行设计、北大方正集团生产的F2M1型心肺复苏器
1983年8月在英国剑桥召开国际会议,讨论了胰腺炎的分类问题。会议认为马赛会议分类法对胰腺炎的研究有深远影响,但仍存在某些问题。会议分成5个专题组进行讨论: 1.病原学:病