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患者女.41岁,因颈前肿物住院。体检:右颈前触及肿物2×2cm大小,质硬不光滑,活动欠佳,随吞咽移动明显。周围未触到肿大的淋巴结,食管、气管及肺均无异常。行甲状腺右单叶及峡部切除。术中见肿物位于甲状腺右叶上极,粘连严重,血管丰富,极易出血,上极分离中除见到血管外,未见异常管索样组织与口底相通。术后标本蜡块镜检:大片视野为长短不一之乳头,脉管束不规则,细胞排列紊乱,间变明显并侵出包膜;于其旁可见一形态异常的癌灶团块,细胞呈不规则形,未见乳头和腺管样结构,细胞 The patient, 41 years old, was hospitalized with an anterior cervical mass. Physical examination: the size of the 2×2cm tumor was touched before the right neck, and the quality was not smooth, the activity was not good, and the movement was obvious with swallowing. There were no enlarged lymph nodes around and no abnormalities in the esophagus, trachea, and lungs. The right thyroid lobe and isthmus were removed. During the operation, the tumor was located in the upper pole of the right lobe of the thyroid, with severe adhesion, rich blood vessels, and easy bleeding. In addition to seeing blood vessels in the upper pole separation, no abnormal cord-like tissue was found to communicate with the floor of the mouth. Specimens of post-operative specimens were examined by microscopic examination: large fields of vision consisted of nipples of varying lengths, irregular vascular bundles, disordered cell arrangement, interstitial changes, and invagination of the capsule; a morphologically abnormal focal mass was observed next to the cells. Irregular, no nipple and gland-like structure, cells
猫咪都爱逗猫棒,小小的玩具就有巨大的乐趣。你是不是操作逗猫棒的“舞林高手”呢?不同的逗猫棒,不同的玩法,对小猫也会有更高一级的吸引力。 Cats love funny cats and lit
抗癌抗生素C1 027是放线菌Streptomycesglobisporus C1 027产生的大分子肽类新抗生素,对肿瘤细胞具有极强的杀伤作用,是迄今已报道的活性最增的大分子多肽抗癌抗生素。C1 02
嗜酸细胞腺瘤(Oxyphilicadenoma)是一种较为少见的绝大多数发生于腮腺的良性肿瘤。腭部小涎腺罕见。现将我们收治的发生于腮腺和腭部的2例患者报道如下。 1 病例介绍 [例1]
沙发腿、椅子角,还有你的拖鞋,是不是已经成了狗狗的磨牙工具?情人节将至,买些咬胶给它做礼物吧。让狗狗在磨牙的同时拥有健康。 Sofa legs, chair angle, and your slipper