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昆明植物所植物园1982年用川百合(Lilium davidii)为父本,用由北京植物园引进的荷兰百合品种“光线”(Lilium sunray)为母本,进行人工杂交,选育出“朝阳”(Lilium chaoyang)和“夏蝶”(Lilium xia-die)二个新品种,这二种百合鳞茎为狭卵形,白色;株高50—60厘米,比母本高而比父本矮;叶条形,近似川百合;花顶生,花冠直立向上,近似荷兰百合。其花形和花色均介于两个亲本之间:川百合的花形为卷瓣形,红色,瓣片上多斑点:荷兰百合为碟形,黄色,瓣片上纯净无斑点;杂交品种“朝阳”初开为碟形,后趋向卷瓣形,花色橙红,瓣片上纯净无斑点;“夏蝶”花形为蝶形,淡浅红色, In 1982, Lilium davidii was used as the male parent of Lilium davidii in Kunming Botanical Garden. The Lilium chaoyang (Lilium chaoyang) ) And “Lilium xia-die” (Lilium xia-die). The two lily bulbs are narrow-ovate and white; plants are 50-60 cm tall and taller than their female counterparts; Similar Chuan Lily; top students, corolla upright, similar to the Dutch lily. The flower shape and color are between the two parents: Chuan Lily flower shape for the roll petal-shaped, red, spot on the spot: Dutch lily for the dish, yellow, pure petal spot; hybrid varieties “sunrise” early For the dish, the trend tends to roll petals, color orange red, petal pure spot; “Xia butterfly” flower-shaped butterfly, light red,
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