
来源 :跨文化交际研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:deannazhu
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本文提出以“和而不同”理念下的平等对话为平台,发展全球化时代的跨文化交际研究。跨文化交际是时代的产物,其研究与时俱进。当我们进入全球化的21世纪,全球化为跨文化交际研究提供一个新视野,为跨文化交际研究提供一个新语境。全球化预设着文化全球化,而“全球—本土”化是当前文化全球化所可能选择的变化趋势。“和而不同”的全球社会是历史发展的必然。“和而不同”是中国文化的传统,它预设着平等和差异。“和而不同”倡导多样性文化间的平等对话,平等的文化对话(下称“对话”)是解决全球问题和建构全球和平的出发点,“对话”为跨文化交际研究提供了理想的平台。本文在对儒家“和而不同”理念理解和对西方“对话修辞”批判的基础上,提出了“和而不同”视野下的始于“倾听”的“对话修辞”概念。并以此为指导,对与“和而不同”密切相关的文化价值与言语层面上的对话,进行了阐述和分析。本文还指出,全球化视野下跨文化交际研究应采用“辩证”法,因为“辩证”法不仅能对所流行的研究理论和研究方法兼容并蓄,而且与构建全球和平的“和而不同”理念相得益彰。与西方一切二分的“二元论”截然不同,辩证法把多样性化价值、把文化全球化过程中两种不同或相对立的发展趋势(本土化与全球化)看作既对立又统一的有机体,在差异和对立之间寻找切入点和交汇之处,扩大共识,扩大跨文化认同。辩证法符合“和而不同”全球社会的发展趋势。但是,文章也指出,文化之融合、文化之认同必须扎根于自己传统文化土壤之中,“现代”文化镶嵌在“传统”文化之中,正是文化间传统之差异造成当今全球的文化多元性。 This paper proposes to develop an intercultural communication in the age of globalization on the platform of equal dialogue under the concept of “harmony and difference”. Cross-cultural communication is a product of the times, and its research advances with the times. As we enter the 21st century of globalization, globalization provides a new horizon for intercultural communication research and provides a new context for intercultural communication research. Globalization presupposes the globalization of culture, while “globalization” is the current trend of cultural globalization. The global society of “harmony but different” is an inevitable result of historical development. “And different” is a tradition of Chinese culture, which presupposes equality and difference. “Dialogue” is the starting point for resolving global issues and for building a global peace. “Dialogue ” is an intercultural communication study Provides the ideal platform. Based on the Confucian understanding of the concept of “harmony but differentness” and the criticism of “dialogue rhetoric” in the West, this paper proposes a dialogue starting from “listening and listening ” Rhetoric “concept. And as a guide, it expounds and analyzes the cultural values ​​and verbal dialogues that are closely related to ”harmony but different “. This paper also points out that ”dialectics“ should be adopted in cross-cultural communication in the context of globalization because ”dialectics“ can not only be compatible with popular research theories and research methods, but also with ”peace“ And different ”concept complement each other. In contrast to the “dualism” of all dichotomies in the West, dialectics treats diversity as the value and considers two different or opposite trends of development (localization and globalization) in the course of cultural globalization as both an opposing and a unified organism , Find differences and opposition between the entry point and intersection, to expand consensus and broaden cross-cultural identity. Dialectics is in line with “different but different” trends in global society. However, the article also points out that the integration of culture and the recognition of culture must be rooted in the soil of their own traditional culture. The “modern” culture is embedded in the “traditional” culture. It is precisely the difference between the traditions of culture that causes the current global Cultural diversity.
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