
来源 :中国数学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lichangsong3
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五一年夏于某部授数学课并编数学教材,工作中遭遇到很多问题,作过一些努力;(?)对编写初中平面几何方面摘述一些不算成熟的意见,就正于从事中等数学教育的同志们,希望大家共同讨论,俾使这些问题都能得到更好的处理。Ⅰ.初中平面几何里的材料的组织问题。我们主要地取直线形部分的材料为例。编排初中平面几何教材时,总得照顾以下两点:第一是逻辑顺序,简单浅显的在前,复杂深涩的在后;第二是内容的系统,同类的材料(注一)就尽可能予以集中。但这两 In the summer of the first year of the year, he taught mathematics classes and compiled mathematics textbooks. During the work, he encountered many problems and made some efforts. (?) Summarized some not-so-professional opinions on the preparation of junior middle school plane geometry, and he was engaged in medium-term. The comrades of mathematics education hope that we can discuss together so that these problems can be better handled. I. The organization of materials in the plane geometry of junior high school. We mainly take the material of the linear section as an example. When compiling junior middle school plane geometry textbooks, it is necessary to take care of the following two points: The first is the logical sequence, which is simple and straightforward; the second is the system of content, and the same kind of material (Note 1) is used as much as possible. concentrated. But these two
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我家的房头有一片空地,小时每年的春天父亲都会利用星期日带着我们几个孩子把地翻翻,种上玉米、花生或者是地瓜、土豆什么的。春华秋实,我渐渐认识了许多农作物。它们悄悄地从地里冒出来,会给你许多的兴奋;看着它们一天天长大,又给你许多的期盼;直到结出果实,更是让你有了无比的欣喜。  大概是1967年的春天,父亲有好几个星期没有回家了。我们急得问母亲,爸爸再不回来我们的地便撂荒了。哥哥那时也就十二三岁,拍着胸
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中國古代數學家,在六世紀時已發明了等間距的內插法(Interpolation),在七世纪時又發明了不等間距的內插法,這在數學史上無疑地是一件令人欣忭而且驚異的事實。 設函數f(x),
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