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今年上半年,桂平县乡镇企业继续保持旺盛的发展势头。到6月底止,完成总收入11.83亿元,比去年同期增加7.6亿元,增长185.93%;上交国家税金1897万元,增长71.83%;实现利润3706万元,增长140.18%。全县30个乡镇全部完成总收入的考核目标任务,其中桂平镇、金田镇总收入突破了亿元大关。其主要经验是:一、加强领导,用足政策。各级党委、政府认真贯彻落实国务院、自治区和县政府关于加快发展乡镇企业的政策,并结合实际情况,自5月份起调整了计划目标,层层分解,重新制订了奖励办法,使之持续高速高 In the first half of this year, township and village enterprises in Guiping continued to maintain a strong momentum of development. By the end of June, the total revenue was 1.183 billion yuan, an increase of 760 million yuan or 185.93% over the same period of last year; 18.79 million yuan was turned over to state tax, an increase of 71.83%; the profit was 37.06 million yuan, up 140.18%. The entire county 30 towns and villages to complete the assessment of the total revenue objectives and tasks, including Guiping Town, Jintian total revenue exceeded 100 million mark. Its main experience is: First, to strengthen leadership and supportive policies. Party committees and governments at all levels conscientiously implemented the policies of the State Council, autonomous regions and county governments on accelerating the development of township and village enterprises, and adjusted the plan objectives from May onwards. high
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1956年起,我国西北广大地区采用飞机进行农林业病虫害的防治.作业项目由防治蝗虫,扩大到小麦、棉花、玉米、桑园、护田林及经济林木等四十多种重要病虫害的防治.使 Since 19
1957年Hall and Dunn首先报道了菜缢管蚜虫的虫霉(Entomophthora virulenta),1965年Gustafsson等人对其形态及休眠孢子产生的条件进行过研究。1975年曾用其拉脱维亚系的菌株
西宁市、各自治州人民政府,海东行署,省财政厅、审计厅、教育厅: 根据《国务院办公厅关于做好2002年扩大农村税费改革试点工作的通知》(国办发[2002]25号)和《国务院办公厅
各市州、县(市、区)人民政府,省政府有关部门:省农村税费改革工作小组办公室制定的《吉林省村级财务会计代理制实施意见》已经省政府同意,现转发给你们,请认真贯彻执行。 T