
来源 :眼科 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xm10282008
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患者均是在夏秋季发病,5例在九月份,1例在七月份,患者病前均有外出上街史。发病为突然感到眼部有小东西碰撞或突然眼部刺痒不适而揉眼,继而出现明显畏光、流泪,异物感而就诊。检查:眼睑轻度红肿或无明显红肿,睑球结膜有不同程度的充血,肉眼检查无其它明显异常。裂隙灯检查可发现角膜有程度不同的点线状擦伤,荧光素染色阳性,未见异物,在上睑缘全唇可发现肉眼不易察觉的微细毛刺,6例中5例为单独1根,1例 Patients were both onset in summer and fall, 5 in September and 1 in July. Occurrence of a sudden feeling of small eye collisions or sudden eye irritation rubbing the eyes, followed by significant photophobia, tearing, foreign body sensation and treatment. Check: mild eyelid swelling or no obvious redness, eyelid conjunctiva have varying degrees of congestion, the naked eye examination no other obvious abnormalities. Slit lamp examination found that the cornea has a different degree of point line-like abrasions, positive fluorescein staining, no foreign body, the entire upper lip can be found in the labium is not easy to detect micro-burr, 5 cases of 6 cases of a single, 1 case
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儿童意外损伤已被国际学术界确认为 2 1世纪儿童期重要健康问题 ,已成为影响儿童生存质量的严重问题。为了解湘鄂渝黔边少数民族地区儿童意外损伤的分布特点 ,我们对 1995年
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