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  Ladybugs are insects. Insects are bugs that have six legs. Ladybugs have all kinds of designs on their wings. They have dots, stripes, and other designs. In England ladybugs are called ladybirds.
  Ladybugs are harmless, but if you pick one up it will tickle you! Ladybugs are very helpful to farmers because they eat aphids. Aphids are tiny bugs that eat plants. Ladybugs’ enemies are spiders and praying mantises.
  If you find a ladybug, don’t smash it. Put it in some flowers nearby. If you like ladybugs as much as I do, then you should read The Grumpy Ladybug by Eric Carle. I love ladybugs!
  The Sled Run
  One day it snowed like crazy! So school was cancelled. I had Amy over to play. We decided to go sledding. So we started to slide down the hill. We sledded for a long time.
  One time we decided to go down together. Amy sat in the front seat and I sat in the back. We started to go down the hill. Then CRASH! We ran into a bush!
  Amy went flying and I got my feet caught in the bush! Amy looked like a spider caught in its own spider web. I had a lot of fun that day, and I will never forget it!
  One day, on the way home from school, my mom told me she was going to make up some new rules for me and my brothers and sisters. Before this, we knew she wanted us to be good, but we really didn’t have any rules. Well, Mom took care of that. On Sunday, she started giving us the “house rules.”
  Clean your rooms every other day. Be ready for dinner at 7:00 p.m. (that means sitting at the table, with clean hands). If Mom is having a meeting in the house, be very quiet (that means turn down the music and the TV). Be ready for bed at 9:30 p.m. (that means lying in bed, with clean faces). Get up at 7:30 a.m. to get ready for school (that means your feet are on the floor, not just hanging off the bed). Take the garbage cans to the curb on Monday morning before school. Clean the bathroom on Thursday.
  Following these rules isn’t too hard, and sometimes it’s even fun. Other times, it can be tough. For instance, if your room is really dirty, and you can’t finish cleaning it on that day, you have to finish it on the next day, along with anything else you have to do. That can be hard.
  Mom made these rules because she loves us a lot. She wants us to learn how to be on time, be clean and neat, and be polite. Every day, we try to follow her rules.
冬季来临,老年人尤其要注意保暖。下面着重介绍5种保暖方式,帮助老年朋友健康、愉快地度过寒冷的季节。  头暖中医认为,“头是诸阳之会”,阳气最容易从头部走散,如同热水瓶不盖塞子一样。老年人如不注意头部保暖,很容易引起鼻炎、头痛、感冒、牙痛、三叉神经痛等疾病,甚至引发脑血管疾患。因此,老年人冬天戴一顶帽子必不可少,尤其外出时更应如此。  身暖到了冬天,老年人要随着外界气温的变化及时增加衣服,注意身体保
当年,为了爱而弃文从医的她,曾被断定为“更应该成为一名家庭妇女”而被医学院拒收;谁也没想到,多年之后,她会成为掌管全球健康事务的“中国第一人”。    06年11月9日,世界卫生大会特别会议选举中国推荐的候选人陈冯富珍女士为世界卫生组织新任总干事。今年59岁的陈冯富珍女士因此成为首位执掌联合国专门机构最高职位的中国人。  在这位出身香港政坛的“女强人”身上,“小女人”特质和“大女人”特质都十分鲜明
(导读:所有进洞的人都是一去不复返,洞中有吃人的怪物?非也。洞中乃人间天堂,进洞的人都不愿返回。)  There was once a town where the thing everyone feared the most was getting lost at night in the “Cave of Fear”. No one had ever returned from there,
对女性而言,要罗列男人的性感符号,可以信手拈来:古铜色的皮肤、矫健的跑姿、结实的腹肌、彪悍、狂野等,而这都与运动有关。对很多男性而言,女运动员的火辣身材、健康、野性等也是强劲的性感冲击波。当然,运动对男女而言,都可以提高“性”生理素质。    女性“凯格尔”运动    “凯格尔”运动是一套帮助女性训练以便达到性高潮或增强性快感的方法。它是由美国心理学家凯格尔于20世纪70年代总结出来的。首先,请找
任新年,快乐发明体系创始人,上海新纪元教育集团瑞安总校校长助理,温州大学大学生创业导师,中国发明协会会员,2013年浙江省十大教育影响力人物;主编或参编的图书有《创造发明我能行》《智慧之光》《快乐魔方》《快乐发明——20小时让你成为小小发明家》;指导学生获得300多项国家发明专利和7000多项国家实用新型专利,因创新教育成果突出,获得“中国百佳创新型名师”称号。  随着社会越来越重视对创新能力的培
我和朱权称得上是青梅竹马,在考上上海的同一所大学后很快确定了恋爱关系。但我们的爱十分理智,除了谈谈心拉拉手,最亲密的举动就是偷吻而已。  婚后的生活甜美而安祥。可好景不长,随着朱权所在的单位改制,领导要派他到深圳分公司工作。朱权竟然不和我商量就答应了,直到他临行前,我才知道。我跟他大闹了三天,可朱权还是走了。我一百个想不通,怎么说走就走了。于是我赌气不理他,一连几个月他打电话来我都狠着心不接。可到
同学们,还记得上一期的“滴管”实验和“杯子吸水”实验吗?自己动手做后,实验成功了吗?这一期我将带领大家继续探索“进阶版”的大气压实验,见证大气压的“威力”升级!  气压抽水实验  一、实验材料  容器两个,长软管一根,注射器一个,小镊子一个,橡皮筋一根,染色液體一杯。  二、实验操作  先将一容器置于高处,倒入染色液体。再将注射器连接长软管。接着将橡皮筋套在镊子上做成软管夹,夹住长软管一端10厘米
One autumn evening, Charles and Beth went to the theater. They attended a play. The play started at 7:00. Charles and Beth enjoyed it.  After the play, Charles and Beth walked together in the park. Th
我每个周末都会去那家洗浴中心。我整理衣柜时,又看到了那祖孙三代。三十多岁的女人扶着六七十岁的母亲,旁边是十多岁的女儿。母亲脱去了衣衫,她拿着一个小塑料凳,扶老人进了浴室,开了水管,调好水温,待老人坐下,方才折回。她又帮女儿拉下紧绷的毛衣、毛裤,孩子像条鱼一下子没入了水雾里。她脱去衣服,又收拾好老人和孩子的衣服,也闪进了温热的瀑流下。  老人坐在角落里,水冲着脊背,她佝偻着腰搓着身上的尘灰,松弛的皮