The Origin of the Echelon Structures of Tungsten Veins in Xihuashan, Jiangxi

来源 :Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yufan123456789
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Analysis of the variations in the three-dimensional structural forms of the tungsten veins in the Xihuashantungsten district has proved that echelon structures of the veins were formed by the changes in stress directionthat caused the breakdown of the individual single veins. and are different from the echelon faults formed inshear zones. Echelon structures of the veins were produced near the lithologic boundary as a result of the rota-tion of stress direction in their neighbourhood and their control of vein distribution. The change in the echelonpattern caused by the varlation in the attitude of lithologic boundary surface in the district is an interestingstructural phenomenon, The echelon structures also reflect the variation characteristics of adjacent veins in theprocess of their propagation. Analysis of the variations in the three-dimensional structural forms of the tungsten veins in the Xihuashantungsten district has proved that echelon structures of the veins were formed by the changes in stress directionthat caused the breakdown of the individual single veins. And are different from the echelon faults formed inshear zones. Echelon structures of the veins were produced near the lithologic boundary as a result of the rota- tion of stress direction in their neighborhood and their control of vein distribution. The change in the echelonpattern caused by the varlation in the attitude of lithologic boundary surface in the district is an interestingstructural phenomenon, The echelon structures also reflect the variation characteristics of adjacent veins in the process of their propagation.
我们总在梦想现实生活美好的一面,所以追求的过程难免显得自寻烦恼。  8小时以外我常常把自己泡在电视机前,我喜欢不动脑子、看完就忘的那种。生活本已有太多的牵挂,何必再自寻烦恼?然而烦恼常有,那些将电视节目割裂的支离破碎的广告就总是让人倍感焦虑。谁都知道经济社会当然要讲效益,电视台要是没有广告来源我们也看不到好节目,可问题是看电视的时候总要被无休止的广告打断情绪,那种感觉就如同吃饭的时候夹起一只苍蝇,
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《民国春秋》迄1995年第2期,已出刊50期。为总结经验,以利改进,3月20日下午,本刊编辑部特邀在宁编委和热心扶持本刊的专家及有关领导召开了座谈会。 本刊编辑部汇报了近几年