现年44岁的阿瑟·达西瓦·桑托斯中尉在法国外籍军团服役已经整整22年了。在这22年的军旅生涯中,他总随身带着两样东西:一张妻子和两个儿子的合影,一份军团成员守则。 1994年6月,达西瓦所在的第六团奉命前往扎伊尔一个卢旺达难民营执行救援任务。在兵团整装待发的前夜,达西瓦像以往一样在心中默诵守则中的第六条:你肩负神圣的使命,你必须不惜任何代价圆满完成任务。达西瓦知道这一次他们的使命是去援救难民营中100万正在遭受饥饿、疾病折磨的卢旺达难民,但他却不知道这次行动要求他们付出的代价是去感受生命的脆弱,经受希望幻灭的煎熬。
The 44-year-old Lieutenant Arthur Da Siva Santos has served in the French Foreign Corps for exactly 22 years. During this 22-year military career, he always carries two things with him: a photo of a wife and two sons and a code of legion. In June 1994, the sixth mission to Dar Siwa was ordered to carry out a rescue mission to a Rwandan refugee camp in Zaire. On the eve of the Corps’s preparations, Darcy Tile, as in the past, kept silent in mind in Article 6 of the Code: You have a sacred mission and you must accomplish the task at all costs. Da Silva knows this time their mission is to rescue 1 million refugees from Rwanda who are suffering from hunger and disease in camps, but he does not realize the price this operation demanded from them is to feel the vulnerability of life and withstand the hope disillusionment The torment.