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水政档案,是水政管理部门在水事活动实施的行政管理过程中形成的原始记录,是水利档案的重要组成部分。无庸讳言,由此形成的文件材料肯定是重要历史凭证和历史记录。做好水利单位水政档案的收集工作,在社会主义市场经济蓬勃发展的今天,是相当重要的。 一。水利单位水政档案收集工作存在的问题 1988年1月以后,随着《水法》的实施,我国才真正地进人了依法治水的新阶段,水政工作在这川年间得到了迅速的发展,作为水利建设的“软件”,在防洪、治涝、灌溉、排水、供水、发电、水运、水产、水环境保护等各项水利事业中发展着重要的作用。水政管理也由原来依靠简单的行政管理,转变为规范化、制度化、法制化的职能管理,在水利事业中起着决策与组织领导、建设、服务、管理与监督、协调、保卫六大职能作用,因 The water administration archives are the original records formed by the administrative departments of water administration in the administration of water activities and are an important part of the water conservancy archives. Needless to say, the resulting documents and documents are certainly important historical documents and historical records. It is very important to do a good job in collecting the water administration files of water conservancy units today when the socialist market economy thrives. one. After January 1988, with the implementation of the “Water Law”, our country really entered a new stage of water control according to law, and the water administration work has been rapidly developed during this period As a “software” of water conservancy construction, it plays an important role in various water conservancy projects such as flood control, flood control, irrigation, drainage, water supply, power generation, water transport, aquatic products and water environment protection. From the original reliance on simple administration, the water administration has transformed itself into a standardized, institutionalized and legal management of functions. It has played a major role in water conservancy planning and organizational leadership, construction, service, management and supervision, coordination and defense Effect
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