
来源 :福建劳动和社会保障 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kami121
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王东进副部长指出,刚刚过去的一年,各级劳动保障部门按照“围绕一个大局,抓住两个重点,实现三个突破”的工作思路,大力推进医疗保险制度改革,协同做好工伤、生育保险工作,较好地完成了全年的既定任务。一是抓大中城市和中央行业等重点环节,推动启动扩面,到去年年底全国医疗保险参保人数突破9400万人,超额完成年初预定计划。二是抓住基本医疗保险定点管理和用药管理重点环节,细化定点协议,完善结算办法,开展药品目录管理落实情况检查,推广医疗服务用药“三率”控制办法,不断完善医疗保险服务管理。三是落实公务员医疗补助和企业补充医疗保险等各项补充性医疗保障措施,解决部分参保人员医疗费用个人负担偏重的问题。四是通过多渠道筹资、多方式参保,想方设法解决国有困难企业职工医疗保障问题。五是协同推进工伤、生育保险的法制建设和规范管理。两项保险参保人数分别达到4400万人和3500万人。王东进副部长还分析了当前的形势并 Vice Minister Wang Dongjin pointed out that in the past year alone, the labor and social security departments at all levels had followed the working plan of “focusing on one general situation, seizing two major points and achieving three breakthroughs”, vigorously promoted the reform of the medical insurance system and coordinated the work injury , Maternity insurance, well completed the full year of the established task. Firstly, we will focus on key links such as large and medium-sized cities and the central industries and promote the expansion of the project. By the end of last year, the number of people insured in medical insurance in the country exceeded 94 million and exceeded the planned amount at the beginning of the year. The second is to seize the key points of the management of basic medical insurance and the management of drug use, refine the fixed-point agreements, improve the settlement method, carry out the inspection of the implementation of the drug catalog management, and promote the “three-rate” control measures for medical service administration and continuously improve the medical insurance service management. Third, the implementation of various supplementary medical protection measures such as medical subsidies for civil servants and supplementary medical insurance for enterprises, and resolving the problem that some of the insured persons have a heavy personal burden on medical expenses. Fourth, through multi-channel financing, multi-mode insurance, find ways to solve the problem of medical insurance for workers in state-owned enterprises. Fifth, we will work together to promote legal system construction and standardized management of work-related injury and maternity insurance. The two insured persons reached 44 million and 35 million respectively. Vice Minister Wang Dongjin also analyzed the current situation and
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