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(一)转变观念,大力推进财务工作的改革一是要着眼全局。当前,工会财务工作实行“统一领导,分级管理,按比例留用,分成上解”的管理体制,是建立全国统一工会并使其正常运转的物质保证,其本身就是全国统一工会的重要标志。任何一级的梗阻都可能影响整个工会大局的运转。因此,要从维护、巩固全国工会统一大局的高度推进财务工作的改革,坚决杜绝拖欠、截留、挪用上解经费等违纪违法行为,促进财务管理体制运作更加完善有效。二是要依法理财。工会的各项 (A) change ideas, and vigorously promote the reform of financial work First, we must focus on the overall situation. At present, the implementation of the management system of “unified leadership, hierarchical management, and proportionate retention and division into solutions” in the financial work of trade unions is a material guarantee for the establishment of a unified national unions and for their normal operation, and is an important symbol of the unification of trade unions across the country . Obstruction at any level may affect the overall union’s functioning. Therefore, we must proceed from the perspective of safeguarding and consolidating the overall situation of unification of trade unions in promoting the reform of financial work, and resolutely eliminate any disciplinary violations such as delinquency, interception and misappropriation of funds, and promote a more complete and effective operation of the financial management system. The second is to make money according to law. The union’s all
Objectives:To make contrast study on Brain Atlas(BA)and CT in intracranial tumour.Method:BA and CT were examined in 30 patients with intracranial tumour.Result
概述了我国实施名牌战略的依据和所需的主要前提,并从名牌与市场、名牌的内涵、名牌环境、名牌机制等四个方面探讨了实施名牌战略必备的条件。最后提出了结论与思考。 This a
铝业巨头——美国铝业公司的首位CSO凯文?安东近日接受媒体采访,分享了他关于“可持续发展”的新见解。2010年8月,美国铝业公司任命凯文·安东(Kevin Anton)为公司的首席可持
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复方甲醛搽剂治疗扁平疣57例徐子江江西省万年县人民医院皮肤科(邮政编码335500)男26例,女31例;病期20天~3年半;皮疹分布在面部及双手背和(或)前臂。用复方甲醛搽剂(36%甲醛60ml,液体酚Zml,75%乙醇50ml,加蒸馏水至100ml... Com