
来源 :中国美学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tataba56
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阎国忠在建构发展马克思主义美学的同时,在文艺理论方面提出了很多重要见解,对文学艺术作出合乎时代发展的新阐释。主要体现在他的文艺本质论、文艺生产论、文艺政治学以及对文艺与政治、文艺美与现实美、艺术美与自然美等所作出的科学而新颖的解读上,这形成了他相对系统的文学艺术理论,构成了其美学思想的一部分。这些独特的理论建树发展和完善了马克思主义文艺理论的有关概念范畴和基本命题,拓展了文艺研究的学术空间。 While constructing and developing Marxist aesthetics, Yan Guozhong put forward many important opinions on the theory of literature and art and made new interpretations of literature and art in keeping with the development of the times. Mainly embodied in his theory of the essence of literature and art, the theory of literary production, the politics of literature and art as well as his scientific and novel interpretation of literature and art, politics, literature, art and reality, beauty of art and nature and beauty, which formed his relatively systematic Literary and artistic theory constitutes a part of its aesthetic thought. These unique theories have contributed to the development and improvement of the conceptual categories and basic propositions of Marxist theory of literature and art, and expanded the academic space for the study of literature and art.
保铃基因与天然 Bt 细菌产生的杀虫毒素在结构上是一致的,杀虫机理也是一致的。为什么保铃棉的杀虫效果要比在田间喷洒 Bt 制剂好得多呢?它有以下四个原因:一、BT 制剂的质
[本刊讯] 6月11日至19日,湖北省预算会计研究会在武昌举办了2002年全省重点乡镇财政所所长培训班。今年,湖北省的农村税费改革全面启动,预算管理“三项改革”加快推进。为提
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近来我一直在思考舞蹈创作如何创新的问题。 创新是一切文学艺术前进发展的定律,也是艺术家进取的价值定位。 一个人能在自己的生命历程中不断地超越自己,即便到了暮年也能
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