NPD DisplaySearch最新的报告显示,医疗影像显示器,包括桌上型病例显示器、影像诊断显示器、手术室屏幕显示器,正展现出强劲的增长态势。2013~2017年,预计全球手术室屏幕显示器(Surgical Display)和桌上型病例显示器营收的年均复合增长率将达9%,而影像诊断显示器将以每年5%的速度增长。
NPD DisplaySearch latest report shows that medical imaging displays, including desktop case displays, diagnostic imaging displays, operating room screen monitors, is showing a strong growth trend. Between 2013 and 2017, revenues from Surgical Display and desktop case monitors worldwide are expected to grow at a CAGR of 9% while Imaging Diagnostics monitors will grow at 5% a year.