
来源 :教育发展研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tianwaiyun6
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厘清高等教育地区专业结构与经济产业行业的互动关系及状态,有助于推动新常态下高等教育结构调整和实施地方本科院校转型发展战略,实现教育与经济社会的协同发展。研究以地区性专业数量结构和产业行业的就业结构为切入点,采用耦合分析方法展开对二者的研究,发现地区性高等教育专业设置与行业产业的耦合度比传统预期要高,但是耦合协调性不理想,因此处于系统耦合的“低水平发展陷阱”中。对此,研究提出专业结构地区治理的落脚点是实现人与社会的协同发展,高等教育与经济发展应向更高水平耦合的路径跃进。 Clarifying the interactive relationship and status between the professional structure of higher education and the economic and industrial sectors helps to promote the structural adjustment of higher education and the transformation and development strategy of local undergraduates in the new normal so as to realize the coordinated development of education and economy and society. The research takes the regional professional quantity structure and the employment structure of the industrial sector as the starting point, and uses the coupling analysis method to expand the research on the two. It finds that the coupling degree of the regional higher education profession setting and the industry industry is higher than the traditional expectation, but the coupling coordination Sex is not ideal, so in a system-coupled “low level development trap ”. In this regard, the study suggests that the ultimate goal of the governance of regions with specialized structures is to realize the coordinated development of people and society, and that higher education and economic development should make a leap toward a higher level of coupling.
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晋政办发[2009]98号各市、县人民政府,省人民政府各委、厅,各直属机构:《关于促进民间资本进入我省鼓励类投资领域的意见》已经省人民政府同意,现印发给你 Jinzheng Ban Fa
摘要 中国画传统是以线条为造型手段,以书法为骨法,以诗的境界为灵魂,将诗、书、画、印融为一体,诗情画意为内涵、抒情言志,在天人合一的哲学观与自然观的关照中表现出物我一体不可分割的静态美,以凝重、浑穆、典雅形成中国特有的审美理想。线性审美体现了东方的审美理想,也蕴涵着东方哲学对美的理解,这也是中国画传统精神的根本文化渊源。  关键词:中国画 神形兼备 线条 外师造化  中图分类号:J202 文献标识